Shameless Asian shopkeepers in UK raise prices to make profit out of Carona


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
حلال شاپ پاکستانی انڈین مسلم بنگلہ مسلم باسٹرڈ ز نے گوشت سمیت ہر چیز دوگنی سے زیادہ قیمت پر بیچ رہے ہیں


MPA (400+ posts)
It is not just the ASIAN shopkeepers but also the big supermarkets as well. The prices have gone up stupidly.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Hoarding and profiteering in Asian genes.They have always taken advantage of people.Rememer the artificial shortage of flour and other food items in Pakistan recently?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I hope the person has reported them. the issue is that people will be willing to go that way because they just want to get to their destination not realizing the danger

Sunny Ahmed

MPA (400+ posts)
Again you are back with your foreign news.....We dont care about these people living in that pathetic little island ....they dont concern us....fraeking moron
Did I ask you Pmln Patwari, if you care or not, you don't care Sharif brothers been raping you , fooling you, looting you past 35 years and you didn't care. How you can care about any thing else.
