Shakeel Afridi Rejected US Offer to Escape on 2nd May 2011 -US Officials


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Pakistani doctor in bin Laden hunt rejected US escape - US Officials
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. authorities said a Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA track down Osama bin Laden turned down an opportunity to leave his country and resettle overseas with his family, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Tuesday.

Dr. Shakil Afridi was jailed last week in Pakistan for 33 years for treason and the Obama administration has come under steady criticism for its handling of his case.

The U.S. officials said the resettlement offer for Afridi came about the time of the May 1, 2011, raid in which U.S. Navy SEAL commandos killed the al Qaeda leader at his complex in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

They indicated that Afridi's family would have been welcome to leave Pakistan with him as part of the resettlement plan. The officials said he rejected the offer for reasons that are unclear.

Afridi was accused of running a fake vaccination campaign in Abbottabad and used cheek swabs to try to gather DNA from bin Laden's children to confirm the identity of those living in the compound.

The DNA effort ultimately did not succeed but U.S. sources have told Reuters he helped American operatives locate and follow the bin Laden courier who led them to the Abbottabad hideout.

The offer for Afridi to leave Pakistan was confirmed independently by two U.S. officials. The White House and State Department declined comment on the matter.

Afridi's case has damaged U.S.-Pakistan relations with outraged U.S. senators voting last week to cut aid to Pakistan by $33 million - $1 million for each year of the doctor's prison sentence.
Pakistan has said Washington should respect its court's decision.


Pakistani authorities arrested Afridi several weeks after the bin Laden raid. In the intervening period, U.S. authorities believed they would have had ample time to get him out of the country if he had wanted to leave.

"Before he was arrested, Doctor Afridi was offered opportunities to leave Pakistan with his family but he turned those down," one of the U.S. officials said.

"Some may question why he did this but no one, including the doctor, could have foreseen that Pakistan would punish so severely someone whose work benefited the country so much," the official said.

Another official said it was not usual for people in Afridi's situation to reject resettlement offers. The official said Afridi may have believed that rather than becoming the object of character attacks and accusations of treason by Pakistani authorities, he might instead have won praise for his role in helping rid Pakistan of a threat to its security and stability.

Afridi's brother Jamil has described the treason charges as baseless and said the doctor was being made a scapegoat.

"If my brother had done something wrong, he had a valid U.S. visa. He could have fled the country," Jamil said after the sentence was handed down, adding that the family had received no offers of help from the U.S. government.

Deepening the controversy over the doctor, current and former Pakistani officials in interviews with Reuters during the weekend described Afridi as a hard-drinking womanizer who had faced allegations of sexual assault. They said he also performed surgeries without proper qualification.

U.S. officials responded by defending Afridi and saying they knew of no reports of wrongdoing on his part.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
A traitor who was also a fool thinking the country would reward him helping foreign agencies against the interest of his own country.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
US Offered Traitor SHAKEEL Afridi and His Family US Assylum : Still He is innocent Not Traitor ???




Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: US Offered Traitor SHAKEEL Afridi and His Family US Assylum : Still He is innocent Not Traitor ???

Dr SHAKEEL Afridi is a national hero, he helped in search for Osama Bin Ladin a renown terrorist...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: US Offered Traitor SHAKEEL Afridi and His Family US Assylum : Still He is innocent Not Traitor ???

Dr SHAKEEL Afridi is a national hero, he helped in search for Osama Bin Ladin a renown terrorist...
اگر امریکی اسامہ کو ٹرائل کرتے کھلے عدالت میں اور یہ ثابت کرتے کہ وہ دہشت گرد ہے تو پھر ان دونوں میں سے ایک انٹرنشنل ہیرو ہوتے اوردوسرا انٹرنشنل دہشت گرد - اب تو شکیل آفریدی بھی انٹرنشنل دہشت گردوں کے ٹولے میں اتا ہے اور نیشنل غدار ہی ہے- چور مچائے شور


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: US Offered Traitor SHAKEEL Afridi and His Family US Assylum : Still He is innocent Not Traitor ???

Osama Itna Acha hota to 9/11 k foran baad international adalat me aajata, yeh baat to ab logo ko sochni chahiyae k woh kis huwab me gum rehna chatae hai..

اگر امریکی اسامہ کو ٹرائل کرتے کھلے عدالت میں اور یہ ثابت کرتے کہ وہ دہشت گرد ہے تو پھر ان دونوں میں سے ایک انٹرنشنل ہیرو ہوتے اوردوسرا انٹرنشنل دہشت گرد - اب تو شکیل آفریدی بھی انٹرنشنل دہشت گردوں کے ٹولے میں اتا ہے اور نیشنل غدار ہی ہے- چور مچائے شور


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: US Offered Traitor SHAKEEL Afridi and His Family US Assylum : Still He is innocent Not Traitor ???

Osama Itna Acha hota to 9/11 k foran baad international adalat me aajata, yeh baat to ab logo ko sochni chahiyae k woh kis huwab me gum rehna chatae hai..
دہشت گرد خود عدالت میں نہیں اتے ان کو لایا جاتا ہے-اگر اپ اتنے سچے ہیں توکونٹانا مو میں موجود دہشت گردوں کو کیوں عدالت میں نہیں لاتے وہ تو اپ لوگوں کے جیلوں میں ہیں- لاکھوں مسلمانوں کے قتل کرنے والے مسلمان ممالک پر قبضہ کرنے والوں کو شرم نہیں اتی ایک غدار شکیل آفریدی کے لئے رحم کی اپیل کرتے ہوئے- کب تک مسلمانوں کو دھوکہ دوگے اور ان کے ملکوں اور وسائل پر قبضہ کروگے؟


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Shakil Afridi rejected asylum in US officials

He deserves a second harsh sentence for giving fake polio vaccines to Pakistani children, knowing he endangered the lives of possibly tens or more of our kids in exchange for a few thousand dollars!


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: US Offered Traitor SHAKEEL Afridi and His Family US Assylum : Still He is innocent Not Traitor ???

aap ko aesa kiyo lagta hai k me US ki side pe hu? me to apnae mulk or apnae logo ki aatae krnga, Amreica or us ki dahshat gardi ek taraf or in khtamalo ki dehshat gardi ek taraf
دہشت گرد خود عدالت میں نہیں اتے ان کو لایا جاتا ہے-اگر اپ اتنے سچے ہیں توکونٹانا مو میں موجود دہشت گردوں کو کیوں عدالت میں نہیں لاتے وہ تو اپ لوگوں کے جیلوں میں ہیں- لاکھوں مسلمانوں کے قتل کرنے والے مسلمان ممالک پر قبضہ کرنے والوں کو شرم نہیں اتی ایک غدار شکیل آفریدی کے لئے رحم کی اپیل کرتے ہوئے- کب تک مسلمانوں کو دھوکہ دوگے اور ان کے ملکوں اور وسائل پر قبضہ کروگے؟


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Shakil Afridi rejected asylum in US officials

pagal hai shakeel afridi. hamaray generals ko yeh offer hoti tou kab ka pakistan chor chuke hote.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Shakil Afridi rejected asylum in US officials

میرے خیال میں پاکستان کی حکومت اپنے اپ کو بدنام کررہی ہے اس غدار کو سزا دینے کی وجہے سے مجھے نہیں لگتا کہ وہ اس مسلے میں زیادہ دور تک جاسکتے ہیں کیونکہ ایک طرف وہ امریکی افواج کی مدد کررہے ہیں امریکی دہشت گردی کو دہشت گردی نہیں کہتے کھلے الفاظ میں اور اقوام متحدہ میں اس مسلے کو حل نہیں کررہے اپنے ہی عوام کو قتل کررہے ہیں اور دوسری طرف عوام میں سے جو امریکیوں کی حمایت کرتے ہیں شخصی طور پر یا پارٹی تنظیم کے طور پر ان کو غدار کہتے ہیں جبکہ حقیقت میں وہ ملک ،قوم اور مذھب سے غداری کررہے ہیں- سارے دنیا کے مسائل میں خود الج گئے ہیں- جب تک ہم متحد ہوکر پاکستان کی ریاست کے طور پر ایک فیصلہ نہیں کرتے اس مصیبت سے چھٹکارہ حاصل کرنا ناممکن ہے- الله کے واسطے خوف کے بغیر ایک فیصلہ کرلیں جو سچ اور حق پر مبنی ہو چاہے اس کے لئے سب سے بڑی قربانی ہی کیوں نہ دینی پڑے- صرف اس طرح ہی دونوں جہانوں کی کامیابی ممکن ہے دوسری صورت میں یہ فساد جاری رہیگا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Shakil Afridi rejected asylum in US officials

He deserves a second harsh sentence for giving fake polio vaccines to Pakistani children, knowing he endangered the lives of possibly tens or more of our kids in exchange for a few thousand dollars!

بھائی سزا اس کو کس مسلے میں ہوئی ہے؟ آپکی بات درست ہوتی اگر اس پر یہی جرم ائید ہوتا اور ایسی جرم میں سزا ہوتی اب پھر اس مسلے میں اپنے ہی مسلمان بھائیوں کو مایوسی ہوگی جبکہ مایوسی کفر ہے

