Shahbaz shareef's sponsored programme(with laptop ads) On DM Digital- Pak have access of Tax payers


Minister (2k+ posts)
Shahbaz shareef's sponsored programme(with laptop ads) On DM Digital- Pak have too much of Tax payers Money???


Just few hourse ago when I went downstairs to get something to eat, saw my sister watching DM Digital(I don't really like that channel so don't watch it apart from using it to check the Adaan time).

So while I was eating watched the programme comprising some top students from pakistan (who apparently came here to visit), some of them going nuts over praising Shahansha Salamaat Shahbaaz shareef and his merit whatever.................. (although one would wonder when shahbaaz was not in power did we never have top students from our schools, colleges and universities?).

I know the owner of the channel (Liaqaat malik or something) he had been in Ik's jalsa(the recent one he did in Manchester) where IK collected most of the money he raised from UK's trip.
This channel had been giving coverage to IK's progress in their programmes and now Punjaab govt is spending money on This channel too to advertise ganjaaay shareefs.
I wasn't surprised to see pakistani students on the channel but was surprised to see them buttering shareef bothers and then a song with laptop ad where shahbaaz trying to walk like a king in a suit(which was apparently not his size, he seemed like struggling to walk in that dress).

The prupose of this thread is WAS IT NOT ENOUGH to bribe pakistani media that this political mafia has start buying foreign local channels too for their publicity?
Do we have so much spare money to waste like this? so what is the drama for electricity then?

I am really lost since I watched that:13:, IF pmln is doing this than soon PPP will start that as well, so where would this madness stop??
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
my dear, they have looted enough money that they can spend for their advertisement and try to fool people.. God has given brain to humans, if they can not judge who is right and who is wrong then this is going to take this country to somalia... we are already very close to that ... try to talk to people and convince them,, educate them,, this is what we can do,,, whole nations needs to be groomed and educated,,, we need a honest and loyal leader who can tell the nation what is right and what is wrong...


Minister (2k+ posts)
they are desperate.. n spending money like crazy...only to get their hands again on pakistan and squeeze out anything that is left by zardari and co (if any)...


Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Shahbaz shareef's sponsored programme(with laptop ads) On DM Digital- Pak have too much of Tax payers Money???


Just few hourse ago when I went downstairs to get something to eat, saw my sister watching DM Digital(I don't really like that channel so don't watch it apart from using it to check the Adaan time).

So while I was eating watched the programme comprising some top students from pakistan (who apparently came here to visit), some of them going nuts over praising Shahansha Salamaat Shahbaaz shareef and his merit whatever.................. (although one would wonder when shahbaaz was not in power did we never have top students from our schools, colleges and universities?).

I know the owner of the channel (Liaqaat malik or something) he had been in Ik's jalsa(the recent one he did in Manchester) where IK collected most of the money he raised from UK's trip.
This channel had been giving coverage to IK's progress in their programmes and now Punjaab govt is spending money on This channel too to advertise ganjaaay shareefs.
I wasn't surprised to see pakistani students on the channel but was surprised to see them buttering shareef bothers and then a song with laptop ad where shahbaaz trying to walk like a king in a suit(which was apparently not his size, he seemed like struggling to walk in that dress).

The prupose of this thread is WAS IT NOT ENOUGH to bribe pakistani media that this political mafia has start buying foreign local channels too for their publicity?
Do we have so much spare money to waste like this? so what is the drama for electricity then?

I am really lost since I watched that:13:, IF pmln is doing this than soon PPP will start that as well, so where would this madness stop??

Me too! share it.
ALL "Benazir Support" schemes are 100% similar being run on Public money and as special favours to die-hard supporters, alone! Never raised the "voice" during past FOUR years and Plus. Why?



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Shahbaz shareef's sponsored programme(with laptop ads) On DM Digital- Pak have too much of Tax payers Money???

[h=3]Under-qualified Law "teacher" has criminal record[/h]Student Direct can reveal today that a member of the University's teaching staff has a criminal record for dishonesty, and has had other criminal charges brought against him several times in the past. Liaquat Malik, a member of the Law department, has also been barred from practicing as a solicitor, although he is currently senior partner at a Law firm in Cheetham Hill, North Manchester, and has recently become director of a new company called Immigration Lawyers ltd. Despite this, the University still continues to employ him.

As a teenager, Mr Malik, who teaches Law seminars at the University, forged A-Level certificates and used them to gain a place on a Law course at Manchester Metropolitan University and obtain a grant. In January 1997, Mr Malik was called up in front of magistrates in Manchester and convicted of using a forged document and obtaining a grant of 335 under false pretences. He was then given a conditional discharge. This was to be the beginning of a series of acts of deception, arrests and court appearances for Malik.

Three years later Mr Malik appeared at Manchester Crown Court where he pleaded guilty to attaining unfair advantages under false pretences and breaching the conditional discharge granted to him previously. Shortly after this, Malik used the falsified A-Level grades to get onto a course at Salford University to study Business, and to get another grant. He was arrested for failing to appear in court, and ordered to complete community service and to pay a fine of 835. It was at this point the Law Society, the official body which regulates legal firms, put in place an order which banned Mr Malik from working as a legal clerk without their approval, an order later lifted by the solicitors' disciplinary tribunal. The following year, 1990, Mr Malik was reported to the Law Society for working at a firm where one solicitor was suspended, and another did not have a practising licence.

Run-ins with the Law Society culminated in a High Court action, resulting in Mr Malik being ordered to never "act as a solicitor, pretend or otherwise hold himself out to be a solicitor, use a name, title addition or description, implying he is qualified or recognised by Law as qualified to act as a solicitor". Shortly after this Greater Manchester Police Fraud Squad began an investigation into Malik and his affairs. He was arrested, but not charged.
Students who have been in seminars taken by Dr Malik have expressed concern regarding the level of his teaching, and at his general attitude. They have told Student Direct that he has been known to turn up 30 minutes late for 50 minute seminars, and didn't seem to have adequate knowledge to be teaching a module which he professed to be well within his area of expertise. He has displayed ignorance of major and fundamental law cases related to the module. One student, who wished to remain anonymous, commented: "He would re-schedule seminars with hardly any notice, at his convenience." After this happened twice, two students complained to a senior member of the Law department. They were told that the inadequacy of Malik's teaching would be taken into consideration when their exam papers were marked, such was the gravity with which the member of staff regarded their complaint.
The firm in which Malik is a senior partner, Malik Laws, which specialises in immigration Law, has also been called into disrepute. One Pakistani immigrant who went to the firm for advice was charged nearly 6000, which he had to borrow. He could have received free representation at many other firms in the area, and Malik Laws were under a legal obligation to inform him that such free advice is available at firms offering legal aid, an obligation which they did not fulfil. Consequently, the man in question is now struggling to repay the money.

The students who have spoken to Student Direct are keen to draw attention to the fraudulent nature of this member of the University's teaching staff, and to the inadequacy of his teaching. They are concerned that in the future other students, and their grades may suffer as a result of this fraud.
The Dean of the Law School, Professor Gibbons, declined to comment on the allegations against Malik. However, regarding concerns about the level of teaching within the Law school, he maintained: "The school takes the matter very seriously. We investigate all complaints and take appropriate action where necessary to ensure that problems are rectified and that students are not disadvantaged." He expressed his hope that students will be reassured.


Fully qualified to be in cahoots with the Tind Brothers


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Shahbaz shareef's sponsored programme(with laptop ads) On DM Digital- Pak have too much of Tax payers Money???

Ring and complain them during one of their live programs, (where they take phone calls). BTW this channel shows all sorts of weird talk shows etc and the programs, so we can expect anything from them.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Shahbaz shareef's sponsored programme(with laptop ads) On DM Digital- Pak have too much of Tax payers Money???

thanks for the suggestion but I really wouldn't bother to ring these morons.
besides they are not doing anything wrong, whta should I ring them for? Its punjab govt which has probably paid them for adverts etc to glorify bold brothers.
why punjaab govt is decieving people that they don't have money when they are sending it overseas to advertise themselves?
This is a big big question.

Ring and complain them during one of their live programs, (where they take phone calls). BTW this channel shows all sorts of weird talk shows etc and the programs, so we can expect anything from them.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Shahbaz shareef's sponsored programme(with laptop ads) On DM Digital- Pak have too much of Tax payers Money???

Thanks for sharing this, yes he is a dodgy man I think many people know that (my uncle once had a personal experience with him and never remembered him in good words) but still I have noticed this channel being waTCHED by most of asian community (reason being it is well diverse, although a bit backward, but you know apnay people like anpni things even backward ;)).
shareefs tried to publicise themselves on a channel which is a bit popular local channel, Its pathetic to even think about to such tactics instead of reforming one's performance.
you rightly siad,'Fully qualified to be in cahoots with the Tind Brothers'-all are same, and the worst thing is that see how he is so exposed still our people accept him and some respect him so much as if it doesn't matter (including my uncle ;))
Under-qualified Law "teacher" has criminal record

Student Direct can reveal today that a member of the University's teaching staff has a criminal record for dishonesty, and has had other criminal charges brought against him several times in the past. Liaquat Malik, a member of the Law department, has also been barred from practicing as a solicitor, although he is currently senior partner at a Law firm in Cheetham Hill, North Manchester, and has recently become director of a new company called Immigration Lawyers ltd. Despite this, the University still continues to employ him.

As a teenager, Mr Malik, who teaches Law seminars at the University, forged A-Level certificates and used them to gain a place on a Law course at Manchester Metropolitan University and obtain a grant. In January 1997, Mr Malik was called up in front of magistrates in Manchester and convicted of using a forged document and obtaining a grant of 335 under false pretences. He was then given a conditional discharge. This was to be the beginning of a series of acts of deception, arrests and court appearances for Malik.

Three years later Mr Malik appeared at Manchester Crown Court where he pleaded guilty to attaining unfair advantages under false pretences and breaching the conditional discharge granted to him previously. Shortly after this, Malik used the falsified A-Level grades to get onto a course at Salford University to study Business, and to get another grant. He was arrested for failing to appear in court, and ordered to complete community service and to pay a fine of 835. It was at this point the Law Society, the official body which regulates legal firms, put in place an order which banned Mr Malik from working as a legal clerk without their approval, an order later lifted by the solicitors' disciplinary tribunal. The following year, 1990, Mr Malik was reported to the Law Society for working at a firm where one solicitor was suspended, and another did not have a practising licence.

Run-ins with the Law Society culminated in a High Court action, resulting in Mr Malik being ordered to never "act as a solicitor, pretend or otherwise hold himself out to be a solicitor, use a name, title addition or description, implying he is qualified or recognised by Law as qualified to act as a solicitor". Shortly after this Greater Manchester Police Fraud Squad began an investigation into Malik and his affairs. He was arrested, but not charged.
Students who have been in seminars taken by Dr Malik have expressed concern regarding the level of his teaching, and at his general attitude. They have told Student Direct that he has been known to turn up 30 minutes late for 50 minute seminars, and didn't seem to have adequate knowledge to be teaching a module which he professed to be well within his area of expertise. He has displayed ignorance of major and fundamental law cases related to the module. One student, who wished to remain anonymous, commented: "He would re-schedule seminars with hardly any notice, at his convenience." After this happened twice, two students complained to a senior member of the Law department. They were told that the inadequacy of Malik's teaching would be taken into consideration when their exam papers were marked, such was the gravity with which the member of staff regarded their complaint.
The firm in which Malik is a senior partner, Malik Laws, which specialises in immigration Law, has also been called into disrepute. One Pakistani immigrant who went to the firm for advice was charged nearly 6000, which he had to borrow. He could have received free representation at many other firms in the area, and Malik Laws were under a legal obligation to inform him that such free advice is available at firms offering legal aid, an obligation which they did not fulfil. Consequently, the man in question is now struggling to repay the money.

The students who have spoken to Student Direct are keen to draw attention to the fraudulent nature of this member of the University's teaching staff, and to the inadequacy of his teaching. They are concerned that in the future other students, and their grades may suffer as a result of this fraud.
The Dean of the Law School, Professor Gibbons, declined to comment on the allegations against Malik. However, regarding concerns about the level of teaching within the Law school, he maintained: "The school takes the matter very seriously. We investigate all complaints and take appropriate action where necessary to ensure that problems are rectified and that students are not disadvantaged." He expressed his hope that students will be reassured.


Fully qualified to be in cahoots with the Tind Brothers


Minister (2k+ posts)
I wish I was that social that i'll go around exposing people, I hope our people are now clever enough to understand such things, But believe me when I get chance I do talk, and I talk non stop!:)

my dear, they have looted enough money that they can spend for their advertisement and try to fool people.. God has given brain to humans, if they can not judge who is right and who is wrong then this is going to take this country to somalia... we are already very close to that ... try to talk to people and convince them,, educate them,, this is what we can do,,, whole nations needs to be groomed and educated,,, we need a honest and loyal leader who can tell the nation what is right and what is wrong...
