Minister (2k+ posts)
Shahbaz shareef's sponsored programme(with laptop ads) On DM Digital- Pak have too much of Tax payers Money???
Just few hourse ago when I went downstairs to get something to eat, saw my sister watching DM Digital(I don't really like that channel so don't watch it apart from using it to check the Adaan time).
So while I was eating watched the programme comprising some top students from pakistan (who apparently came here to visit), some of them going nuts over praising Shahansha Salamaat Shahbaaz shareef and his merit whatever.................. (although one would wonder when shahbaaz was not in power did we never have top students from our schools, colleges and universities?).
I know the owner of the channel (Liaqaat malik or something) he had been in Ik's jalsa(the recent one he did in Manchester) where IK collected most of the money he raised from UK's trip.
This channel had been giving coverage to IK's progress in their programmes and now Punjaab govt is spending money on This channel too to advertise ganjaaay shareefs.
I wasn't surprised to see pakistani students on the channel but was surprised to see them buttering shareef bothers and then a song with laptop ad where shahbaaz trying to walk like a king in a suit(which was apparently not his size, he seemed like struggling to walk in that dress).
The prupose of this thread is WAS IT NOT ENOUGH to bribe pakistani media that this political mafia has start buying foreign local channels too for their publicity?
Do we have so much spare money to waste like this? so what is the drama for electricity then?
I am really lost since I watched that:13:, IF pmln is doing this than soon PPP will start that as well, so where would this madness stop??
Just few hourse ago when I went downstairs to get something to eat, saw my sister watching DM Digital(I don't really like that channel so don't watch it apart from using it to check the Adaan time).
So while I was eating watched the programme comprising some top students from pakistan (who apparently came here to visit), some of them going nuts over praising Shahansha Salamaat Shahbaaz shareef and his merit whatever.................. (although one would wonder when shahbaaz was not in power did we never have top students from our schools, colleges and universities?).
I know the owner of the channel (Liaqaat malik or something) he had been in Ik's jalsa(the recent one he did in Manchester) where IK collected most of the money he raised from UK's trip.
This channel had been giving coverage to IK's progress in their programmes and now Punjaab govt is spending money on This channel too to advertise ganjaaay shareefs.
I wasn't surprised to see pakistani students on the channel but was surprised to see them buttering shareef bothers and then a song with laptop ad where shahbaaz trying to walk like a king in a suit(which was apparently not his size, he seemed like struggling to walk in that dress).
The prupose of this thread is WAS IT NOT ENOUGH to bribe pakistani media that this political mafia has start buying foreign local channels too for their publicity?
Do we have so much spare money to waste like this? so what is the drama for electricity then?
I am really lost since I watched that:13:, IF pmln is doing this than soon PPP will start that as well, so where would this madness stop??
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