Shafqat Mahmood replies to Umar cheema . . .

umair ahmed

MPA (400+ posts)
I am only presenting the Shafqat mahmood part . . .

This refers to the latest report of Mr Umar Cheema on PTI, published in The News. The grand conclusions reached on flimsy evidence, the slants and innuendos colouring the story, and morphing personal conduct of individuals into party bashing is clearly not fair play.

In his latest report, Mr Cheema implies that radical changes in the party constitution “would grant immunity to the office bearers facing corruption charges,” etc etc. And what is the radical change that Mr Cheema is referring to? That the earlier version of the constitution while prescribing qualifications for party office bearers says that a person is eligible “who has not been convicted or charged with an offence of moral turpitude”. This has been changed to “who has not been convicted of an offence of moral turpitude”.

Mr Cheema seems to think that by removing the word ‘charged’ a huge door has been opened for corrupt individuals. This is strange because all that has been done is to bring the party constitution in line with the settled principle of law that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Why is this such a strong legal principle? Because, it is the easiest thing in the world to accuse someone; The real test is to back up the accusation with evidence. And if this is not available then accusation itself becomes meaningless.

Also unfortunately, given the predominant culture in Pakistan, false accusations and getting fake FIRs registered is common practice. Why go far, Mr Cheema must be aware of whispering campaigns over the years against prominent journalists for accepting lifafas, against politicians for all kinds of misconduct, against cultural personalities, in fact against anyone who has any prominence. Does he feel that mere hurling of these accusations or in some cases, even FIRs being registered by people in power, should be held against them?

The changes in the PTI constitution acknowledge this difference and hence conviction has been made the basis of disqualification to hold party office. Mr Cheema should also recognize that this change reflects the spirit of a fundamental human right that everyone is entitled to due process of law, which means a fair trial. Thus, instead of concluding that the changes in the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf constitution actually make it more democratic and in line with the constitution of Pakistan, he has drawn the strange conclusion that it opens the doors for shady characters to join the PTI. What can one say except shake ones head in sadness.

Moving on Mr Cheema digs up details of business dealings between various party members. This part of his ‘charge sheet’ is a masterly example of inferences and innuendos that seem to make straightforward transactions look shady. First, let me say something that was repeatedly conveyed to Mr Cheema. Business dealings between party members or any dispute arising therein has nothing to do with the party. It is between individuals and something that they have to resolve between themselves.

Secondly, Mr Cheema does not say that any of the deals was illegal; only that they happened between certain individuals who are in most part PTI party members. He then rushes to a pejorative conclusion that the party seems like a ‘property guild’. Give us a break Mr Cheema. Either say, that the deals are illegal and let the individual concerned explain himself or report the matter to the police and let the law take its course. Just throwing dirt without alleging illegality is questionable to say the least.

Lastly, Mr Cheema has made a big deal of a dispute between two party members, Col Younis (retd) and Mr Amir Kayani. As I said earlier, this is a matter between two individuals and has no concern with the party. Disputes are common in our society. They can also happen between party members. The correct forum to resolve them is either bilaterally or in a court of law. The party’s responsibility does not include personal business dealings of members unless they are illegal and declared so by a court of law. It certainly would not adjudicate business disputes between party members.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Also unfortunately, given the predominant culture in Pakistan, false accusations and getting fake FIRs registered is common practice. Why go far, Mr Cheema must be aware of whispering campaigns over the years against prominent journalists for accepting lifafas, against politicians for all kinds of misconduct, against cultural personalities, in fact against anyone who has any prominence. Does he feel that mere hurling of these accusations or in some cases, even FIRs being registered by people in power, should be held against them?
Precisely why PTI should not accuse other political parties and wait for convictions.

ijazz s

MPA (400+ posts)
oh its strange shafqat mehmood is writing in favor of pti.. he has written in fav of hw many parties let me count....(omg)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Precisely why PTI should not accuse other political parties and wait for convictions.

So you dont see Ishaq dars affidavit as a proof for Hudabia paper mills money laundering case..what about all the convictions which were pardoned by Musharraf when they ran away..or even zardaris conviction in Swiss courts...what about ISI general Durrani affidavit..where are the shareffs why are they not suing Durani and Younis habib..every one just a tiny examples given to you...can you reply please


MPA (400+ posts)
Omer Cheema is doing nothing but trying to gain cheap popularity by finding every smallest thing in PTI .... isn't he wasting a lot of his time in running behind a party which id not even in power yet. Or is he being paid extra 'lifafas' for this campaign.???? That's right, I am clearly accusing him of corruption and bribery... now he ought to resign from journalism unless proven in law of court...

Abdul jabbar

Minister (2k+ posts)
شفقت محمود،ایك پروفیشنل كنسلٹنٹ بےچارہ اپنی سی كوشش كر رہا ہے مگر عمر چیمہ لگتا ہے عمران كا اصل چہرہ عوام كو دكھا كر ہی رہے گا۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bhai jaan, have any cases been proved against them? The answer is no - supposedly we have the highest standard of investigative agencies, prosecution and judiciary. If these 'world class' agencies couldn't prove how zardari and sharifs rose from medium sized businemen to billionaires over the course of a few years then we must thank the capitlistic norms and free markets. Its sheer business acumen and genius on their part - i am sure harvard and wharton are designing courses around these success stories to teach them in their business school and I am sure they will include Malik Riaz to the list too.

I guess as the article mentioned that PTI has changed is constitution from charged and convicted to just convicted - i think that they should modify is to 'only if found guilty on the day of the judgement' :-) otherwise everyone will qualify as nothing could be proved in pakistan

Bud would u say that Nawaz or Zardari are not corrupt?


MPA (400+ posts)
Bhai jaan, have any cases been proved against them? The answer is no - supposedly we have the highest standard of investigative agencies, prosecution and judiciary. If these 'world class' agencies couldn't prove how zardari and sharifs rose from medium sized businemen to billionaires over the course of a few years then we must thank the capitlistic norms and free markets. Its sheer business acumen and genius on their part - i am sure harvard and wharton are designing courses around these success stories to teach them in their business school and I am sure they will include Malik Riaz to the list too.

I guess as the article mentioned that PTI has changed is constitution from charged and convicted to just convicted - i think that they should modify is to 'only if found guilty on the day of the judgement' :-) otherwise everyone will qualify as nothing could be proved in pakistan
Bud ur starting statement sums thing up - its a sad state of affairs when a poor man can get lynched for stealing money to feed his kids whilst these kharam khors have built up billion pound empires with no tangible proof of income. Our justice system is built to protect the elite. You just need to look at the cases pending in the supreme court against the big wigs - yrs on yrs.

By the way ur absolutely right. Under the current circumstances nothing will be proved against this Nawaz n Zardari and ther cronies like Malik Riaz and the reason is because its not in the interest of the ruling mafia to convict fellow members of the club - if one of them goes down then it will open the door for the others. Also to keep the cases pending helps to keep the other members on script - with all the baggage and skeletons secretly stored away none of them have the cahoonas to go radical. if they try they will be bumped off and turned into a shaheed, whilst a non decesion from a court turns em into a siyasi shaheed and we Pakis are suckers when it comes to Shaheeds.

By the way i have to say ur example of Harvard n Wharton is just brilliant.
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Bud would u say that Nawaz or Zardari are not corrupt?
aap zardari jaisay masoom aur be zararr insaan ko kyon corrupt ke rahey hain zardari jaisay naik aur achhay insaan sadion mai paida hotey hain ,qoum ko chahiaa ke itney achhay insaan ki qaddarr karey aur uski laash ko hanoot karke mummy bana lain takeh aaney wali naslain bhi iss insaan ka deedar karr saken aur faiz yaab ho saken aur mummy ke ooper rahmet ullah alh lakhna na bhoolen nahi to gunah aur be adbi ke sazawaar hongaay


Minister (2k+ posts)
It was not IK who started propagating these cases against these politicians, they themselves started it, other power holders in pak (army, agencies, bearucrates etc PROVIDED PROOFS IN COURTS not because ik ASKED THEM BEACUSE THEY WANTED TO, even before IK came innpolitcis),
The only thing IK is saying is that the legal process should not be stopped and there should be a decision to cases.
Open up ur eyes and brain.
Precisely why PTI should not accuse other political parties and wait for convictions.


Councller (250+ posts)
stupid cheema is not worth a reply...please ignore him...he is looking for cheep publicity....
Mr Zardari, Moonis Illahi, Ali Musa Gillani, Hamid Saeed Kazmi, Mohsin Warraich are all "innocent" according to former PPP Senator Shafqat Mehmood's theory.
