shadow of invasion


Councller (250+ posts)
Zaid Hamid - Shadow of Invasions ( Press TV Documentary )

Zaid Hamid tells about his past, present and future, The Leading of the Takmeel-e-Pakistan Movement

The video is taken from the documentary & this documentary reveals the disturbing links between the Taliban, the U.S. and Pakistan, probing into the facts about the Taliban's creation and its manipulation by the U.S. government.

This documentary explains a huge amount, and indeed provides more evidence for the fact that the whole 9/11 event was manufactured, the threat of Usamah Bin Laden and al-Qaeda (CIA Database) and Taliban. These are all assets owned by and controlled more or less by the US Intelligence Services. These Assets have a very minimal - if any - connection to Islam, and amongst the terrorists those arrested have been found to be uncircumcised (Muslims are required to be circumscribed), they drink alcohol openly, for Muslims this is forbidden, they have been caught wearing womens clothing (i.e. the Burqa) - and fake beards and so on - all of this and much more are discussed and analysed in this excellent documentary by Press TV.

Broadcast between September 26 and October 2, 2010



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Shadow of invasion - BrassTacks

according to zaid hamids statement ttps are the handi work of CIA , every knows that ISI MI, BI BLACK WATER MOSAD RAW , they all are connected to each other, above all, it was" kagasi" commondo musharaf who sold pakistan to US ,now find out who is the enemy?