What about tax paid by U Turn Khan and Pasha Party?
Property of U Turn Khan
Zaman Park Residence and Sahiwal Agriculture land (inherited)
Bani Gala Farm House and Bakkhar land (Musharraf gifted)
SKMH Billions fraud in Zakat/donations for Pasha Party
Rs 700 Billion (Gifted by Goldsmith for fassadi march)
Rs 2 Crore Container (Fassadi march)
UK 10 Billion Pounds property gifted by Goldsmith to his sons.
If what you allege is true then why the pro-Nawaz media has not picked on this?.This is just drivel.You can't convince anyone.When people accuse Nawaz of corruption they have evidence.It was proved in a court that Nawaz took money from ISI.BBC made a documentary about Nawaz's corruption and money laundering but Nawaz didn't sue BBC.The high court in London found Nawaz guilty of not paying loans and fined him.Ishaq dollar on oath admitted that he laundered money on behalf of Nawaz.The Sharifs haven't paid back loans amounting to millions.There are dozens of pending cases against Nawaz in Pakistani courts which are not opened because Nawaz and Zardari have signed an agreement to protect each other.