Say goodbye to welfare state, Dutch king says


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Say goodbye to welfare state, Dutch king says

AP | Sep 17, 2013, 07.43 PM IST


AMSTERDAM: King Willem-Alexanderdelivered a message to the Dutch people from the government Tuesday in a nationally televised address: the welfare state of the 20th century is gone.

In its place will be a "participation society" in which people must save and invest to create their own social safety net with less help from the national government.

The king travelled past waving fans in an ornate horse-drawn carriage to the 13th-century Hall of Knights in The Hague for the monarch's traditional annual address on the day the government presents its budget for the coming year. It was Willem-Alexander's first appearance on the national stage since former Queen Beatrix abdicated in April and he ascended to the throne.

"The shift to a `participation society' is especially visible in social security and long-term care," the king said, reading out to lawmakers a speech written for him by Prime Minister Mark Rutte's government.

"The classic welfare state of the second half of the 20th century in these areas in particular brought forth arrangements that are unsustainable in their current form," he said.

He said that nowadays, people expect and "want to make their own choices, to arrange their own lives, and take care of each other."

Rutte may provide details later in the day on what the shift to a "participation society" will entail, but it appears part of a long-term effort to rein in the costs of government-funded entitlements. Benefits such as unemployment compensation and subsidies on health care have been regularly pruned for the past decade.

Rutte may be hoping that the pomp and ceremony surrounding the king will provide a diversion from the gloomy reality of new cuts.

Though specifics are not yet available, a review of the government's plans by the country's independent analysis agency Monday showed that the budget deficit will widen in 2014 to 3.3 percent of GDP despite new spending cuts intended to reduce it.

Eurozone rules specify that countries must keep their deficit below 3 percent, and Rutte has been among the most prominent of European leaders, along with Germany's Angela Merkel, in insisting that Southern European countries attempt to meet that target.

After several consecutive years of government spending cuts, the Dutch economy is expected to have shrunk by more than 1 per cent in 2013, and the agency is forecasting growth of less than 0.5 per cent next year.

"The necessary reforms take time and demand perseverance," the king said. But they will "lay the basis for creating jobs and restoring confidence."

A series of recent polls have shown that confidence in Rutte's government is at record low levels, and that most Dutch people — along with labor unions, employers' associations and many economists — believe the Cabinet's austerity policies are at least partially to blame as the Dutch economy has worsened even as recoveries are underway in neighboring Germany, France and Britain.

Dutch media are also expecting new defense spending cuts, following a 2011 decision to cut 12,000 jobs — one out of every six workers in the military — between 2012 and 2015. However, the government is expected to say Tuesday it has decided once and for all not to abandon the US-led "Joint Strike Fighter" program to develop new military aircraft. The program has suffered cost overruns and created divisions within Rutte's governing coalition.

The debate in parliament that follows the presentation of the budget Tuesday will be crucial for the future of the coalition, as it does not command a majority in the upper house, and it must seek help from opposition parties to have the budget approved.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
There are some members of the forum that are absolutely obsessed with scandinavian generosity maybe so because they are also the beneficiaries of that social welfare system. Although that is a good thing in general but when reminded of the state of the current economy of the netherlands and the fact that such generosity cannot last eternally, they baulk and start insulting the principles of the Islamic Economy which is made on principles of everlasting nature.

Here we have the dutch king himself admitting to the fact that a welfare state without keeping a check on the peoples wants is unsustainable.

The fact of the matter is that people have to earn and save as opposed to looking for the government to do everything for them.

Lets all work to create our own social safety net and also force the Pakistani Government to adopt measures that will safeguard every Pakistani in the long run :)
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People are taxed in those countries to the tune of 65 percent of the income and still going in debt the writing has been on the wall since ten years. Free money, free healthcare and free education is not free after all.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
That was my argument with an idiot that when YOU overtax a population it only lasts for so long. Such freebies backfire one way or the other. The government should ONLY be responsible for the bare minimum or to help facilitate children and elderly so as they dont end up on the street.

People are taxed in those countries to the tune of 65 percent of the income and still going in debt the writing has been on the wall since ten years. Free money, free healthcare and free education is not free after all.


There are some members of the forum that are absolutely obsessed with scandinavian generosity maybe so because they are also the beneficiaries of that social welfare system. Although that is a good thing in general but when reminded of the state of the current economy of the netherlands and the fact that such generosity cannot last eternally, they baulk and start insulting the principles of the Islamic Economy which is made on principles of everlasting nature.

Here we have the dutch king himself admitting to the fact that a welfare state without keeping a check on the peoples wants is unsustainable.

The fact of the matter is that people have to earn and save as opposed to looking for the government to do everything for them.

Lets all work to create our own social safety net and also force the Pakistani Government to adopt measures that will safeguard every Pakistani in the long run :)

What are you babbling about Islamic state here?(yapping) It has nothing to do with it. There is not working model of Islamic welfare state anywhere in the world for comparison.


That was my argument with an idiot that when YOU overtax a population it only lasts for so long. Such freebies backfire one way or the other. The government should ONLY be responsible for the bare minimum or to help facilitate children and elderly so as they dont end up on the street.

How do you establish as a state what is the bare minimum. They had a amount established as a bare minimum.

And how do you establish what is bare minimum in the field of education and health care


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Shut up and read my statements correctly before jumping in your seat with excitement and yapping the first thoughts that come to your mind. I said principles of the Islamic economy and we have had several in the Past including the Mughals.

Read before you comment. Do you have to prove everytime that your pathetic education has left you like this ?? (bigsmile)

What are you babbling about Islamic state here?(yapping) It has nothing to do with it. There is not working model of Islamic welfare state anywhere in the world for comparison.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This should apply first to king himself too. . he has to earn first like commoners and save for his retirement. . Our beloved Queen is now too much burden rather then a pride on British unemployed people. .



Shut up and read my statements correctly before jumping in your seat with excitement and yapping the first thoughts that come to your mind. I said principles of the Islamic economy and we have had several in the Past including the Mughals.

Read before you comment. Do you have to prove everytime that your pathetic education has left you like this ?? (bigsmile)

[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar] Which Mongol, Is it Babur or non-Islamic apostates Akbar, Jahangir maybe Shah Jahan who couldn't give a squat about anything else but building monuments or Aurangzeb who left the empire bankrupt at the end of his regime[hilar]


This should apply first to king himself too. . he has to earn first like commoners and save for his retirement. . Our beloved Queen is now too much burden rather then a pride on British unemployed people. .

How dare you such things about her Majesty the queen after taking an oath of loyalty to her and her heirs:angry_smile::angry_smile:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
How dare you such things about her Majesty the queen after taking an oath of loyalty to her and her heirs:angry_smile::angry_smile:

R u telling this to Yourself Mister??:angry_smile:. . I aint take no oath from queen. . our KING is Noora fyki. .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You establish it by first following the principles of ISlam to provision for Zakat, usher and Khums. A budget then needs to be drawn for what can be covered as the absolute needs of the poor depending on what the state can support. Whatever is collected must then be spent on the most critical issues of the POOR. This way their is no overage and the state cannot go in debt.

NO universal healthcare BUT poor pay for healthcare through what is provided to them. Education will be subsidized and the currency willl be gold and silver.

How do you establish as a state what is the bare minimum. They had a amount established as a bare minimum.

And how do you establish what is bare minimum in the field of education and health care
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The best model is Khilafat e Rashida (bigsmile) ...Mughals being more dynastic still had some concepts which BORE 25 % of the World GDP for Hindustan at that time. Even till today modern economy hasnt achieved that in India [hilar][hilar][hilar]

Which Mongol, Is it Babur or non-Islamic apostates Akbar, Jahangir maybe Shah Jahan who couldn't give a squat about anything else but building monuments or Aurangzeb who left the empire bankrupt at the end of his regime[hilar]


You establish it by first following the principles of ISlam to provision for Zakat, usher and Khums. A budget needs and then the absolute needs of the poor. Whatever is collected must be spent on the most critical issues of the POOR.

NO universal healthcare BUT poor pay for healthcare through what is provided to them. Education will be subsidized and the currency willl be gold and silver.

Zakat is 2.5 percent after expenses.

Usher is a land tax ( explain how that works)

Khums is a war booty, how you are going to implement this.

Put on your Khalifa hat than explain before we go to expenses


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
yaar all the liberal programs that any country has, must come from somewhere. Programs are administered with either extremely high tax or printing money. Benazir Income Support Program is only one example where printing money is the only source to carry this program.

Thats why Allah has ordained Zakat in his Book. If everybody pays Zakat o Sadaqat honestly and regularly and govt manages properly, people would need very little help from the govt


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
First off, I've asked you a 1000 times to quit being an ignorant and for god sake educate yourself on Islamic matters before commenting.

Khums is TAX on GAINS and NOT war booty or anything. I think you are confusing Ghanima with Khums as your only source of poor education is Wikipedia.

The governments sources of revenue are Zakat, Usher is Land tax on Produce and in a Khilafat the government leases out land to the farmers and taxes them a percentage on the use of the land. This is how it collects revenue.

Khums will be used to tax gains of any kind from any kind be it IT, Call centers, manufacturing etc...

Whatever revenues we have will be used to support the basic essentials of the poor and then uplifting of the state and education.

Zakat is 2.5 percent after expenses.

Usher is a land tax ( explain how that works)

Khums is a war booty, how you are going to implement this.

Put on your Khalifa hat than explain before we go to expenses
