PM raised the price of wheat from 650 to Rs.950 per maund whereas international price is Rs.750 and did't think it will be more burden on the poors but he instead helped the feudals who made billions of rupees but paid no tax on their income.Thats what the justice is in the govt of PPP who is crying all the time for poors.what a fraud govt ,living in palaces and talking for the poors-Roti,kapra and makan whereas the govt took all these amenities from the poors.This is the time people wake and ask for their rights. PM admits the corruption has spread like a virus then who is gonna finish it.Is govt waiting someone from heaven comes and put the country on the right direction-no someone from this country will come forward and hang all these feudals and elite crooks in the middle of Islamabad.why govt did't put the agriculture tax and wealth tax on the wealthy just because they are in this bloody govt ,sucking the blood of poors who are committing suisides.Time for judgement has come and should be decided soon. nation needs a real bloody revolution which should starts from the top to the bottom.This govt does not need sympathy at all.May be this country dont deserve democracy also?