Razi Rehman
Javed Ghamidi Views on Women Protection Bill, Khaber k Peechay with Fawad Chaudhary
عورت پر تشدد کو اسلامی کہنے والے ان سوالات کا جواب دیں گے.
١ کیا جب بی کوئی خاوند اپنی بیوی پر تشدد کرے تو لازمی بیوی نے کوئی غیر اسلامی حرکت کی ہو گی وہی اس کی ذمہ دار ہو گی.
٢ اگر آپ کی بیٹی یا بہن پر ایسے تشدد ہو تو آپ اپنی بہن یا بیٹی کے خاوند کی یہ بات مان لو گے کہ غیر اسلامی حرکت پر اس نے تشدد کیا ہے.
اگر میری بہن یہ بیٹی وو کام کرے جو درج ذیل آیت میں ہو تو اسے اس آیات کے مطابق پہلے شمجھانا اور اخر میں مارنا درست ہو گا. کیونکے عورت بلکل گھر توڑنے پر تلی ہو تو ایسا ہی ہونا چاہیے
Surah Nisa; Ayat 34:
الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض وبما انفقوا من اموالهم فالصالحات قانتات حافظات للغيب بما حفظ الله واللاتي تخافون نشوزهن فعظوهن واهجروهن في المضاجع واضربوهن فان اطعنكم فلا تبغوا عليهن سبيلا ان الله كان عليا كبيرا
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
According to this ayat : If Husband finds wife not (guarding in [the husband's] absence or for those wives from whom he fears arrogance) in simple words having an affair
1) He should advise her.
2) Should forsake her in bed.
3) Even then if she is still promiscuous and is hell bound on destroying family then still he should strike her.
. homosexualityاس طرح اگرچہ قرآن میں نہیں لکھا مگر اگر میرا بیٹا بوہت غلط اور غیر اخلاقی کام جسے
میں ہو تو اس کو پہلے آرام سے اور اخر میں سختی سے شمجایا جاے اگر مارنا پیرا تو مار سے .
Wrong explanation!
The Aya is not about adultery or sexual behavior (and there are other punishments for such crimes)
The ayats that you are referring to are when a woman is openly lewd and caught with witnesses. She(and the man) can be stoned to death or simply lashed.The Aya is not about adultery or sexual behavior (and there are other punishments for such crimes)
This Aya is about obedience and guarding of the Husband wealth (money, children and Islamic family values)
Even a piercing glance is enough; it is just to give her warning. The next step beat her would be the final warning. The last is what you stated that there are other punishments that is when she is caught stone to death and lashing but that requires witnesses.A question:
How can you stop your wife from having an Affair by not sharing bed with her ? It will even encourage her and will justify her affair!
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