Saeen to Saeen Saeen Ka ***** bhi Saeen : Zaradri Pardoned Malik Riaz's Convicted Guard


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MPA (400+ posts)
Under the constitution, the president has the power to pardon but in case of Qatl e Amad, he has to seek the permission of the legal heirs of the deceased. He can't do it on his own.

khan afghan1

Minister (2k+ posts)
What about the REVENGE?
Zardari is taking the country into ANARCHY and Chaos.
Ask from the family of the victim how they would be feeling.
Democracy is the best revenge.
Zardari is taking revenge from whole nation.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
زرداری بندر ہاتھ ماچس آگئی ہے پاکستان کے ہر حصے کو آگ لگاتا جا رہا ہے


Minister (2k+ posts)
YES THATS EXactly the point, thats exactly the correct legal point.

No pardon without the permission of decreased heir.
Under the constitution, the president has the power to pardon but in case of Qatl e Amad, he has to seek the permission of the legal heirs of the deceased. He can't do it on his own.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think we should keep a record of all the things,actions and statements by the president,pm and his important ministers, in about 2 years a wonderfully hilarious book of ironical comedy OR a box office hit movie can be made without the involvement of ANY imagination.
