Russian channel-(RT) exposing BLA supported by RAW , CIA and MOSAD


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Could anyone help me understand why a state sponsored news outlet from Russia is any more credible than CNN or Fox News? Russia and America only care about their own interests in our region and to one up each other. We would have been well advised to stay clear of this game but I guess its way too late now and we are fully engulfed by this great game.

Russians were our enemies in the 80's when they themselves were purported to yearn for warmer waters but now the tide has turned (pun intended :)) and we are eagerly listening to our newly discovered friend, RT, about how others (china and US) have designs on the warm waters of arabian sea.

The problem is not that there are always people trying to sell their manjan to us instead the bigger problem is that we are so eager to buy a new manjan over and over and over......
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Could anyone help me understand why a state sponsored news outlet from Russia is any more credible than CNN or Fox News? Russia and America only care about their own interests in our region and to one up each other. We would have been well advised to stay clear of this game but I guess its way too late now and we are fully engulfed by this great game.

Russians were our enemies in the 80's when they themselves were purported to yearn for warmer waters but now the tide has turned (pun intended :)) and we are eagerly listening to our newly discovered friend, RT, about how others (china and US) have designs on the warm waters of arabian sea.

The problem is not that there are always people trying to sell their manjan to us instead the bigger problem is that we are so eager to buy a new manjan over and over and over......

Russians weren't our enemies, the soviet's were, which were controlled by the Zionists, the present Russian govt is based on the eastern Christianity, about which the Prophet SAW said that you will make an alliance with Rum (Room) its not Rome, but Rum, and there is a whole chapter about Rum in Quran about Rum, go and read it and do some research about the Byzantine Empire. Secondly, the progress of Pakistan is based on the relationship with Russia and China, but the Pakistani establishment is so afraid of Americans that they have made the Americans their fathers.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Russians weren't our enemies, the soviet's were, which were controlled by the Zionists, the present Russian govt is based on the eastern Christianity,

Thank you. I stand corrected. Technically it was the soviets and not the russians even though around 90% of the people making up USSR were Russians (please don't shoot me on the 90% number - mean to say a vast majority or predominantly). But let me figure this out - Vladimir Putin was a Lieutenant Colonel in Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (usually translated as Committee for State Security) or more popularly known as KGB or as you just clarified for me also known as Mossad :)

about which the Prophet SAW said that you will make an alliance with Rum (Room) its not Rome, but Rum, and there is a whole chapter about Rum in Quran about Rum, go and read it and do some research about the Byzantine Empire.

Thanks for the reference. I will definitely look it up.

Secondly, the progress of Pakistan is based on the relationship with Russia and China, but the Pakistani establishment is so afraid of Americans that they have made the Americans their fathers.

That's the false perception that we have that we always have to depend on someone else for our progress. Malaysia or Turkey didn't have to depend on China or Russia or US to make the transition. They invested in education and worked hard themselves. There is no short cut to progress and you can't ride to progress dreamland by riding on someone else' shoulders. This dependency mindset is what has us languishing in American or Arab laps for a long long time.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Thank you. I stand corrected. Technically it was the soviets and not the russians even though around 90% of the people making up USSR were Russians (please don't shoot me on the 90% number - mean to say a vast majority or predominantly). But let me figure this out - Vladimir Putin was a Lieutenant Colonel in Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (usually translated as Committee for State Security) or more popularly known as KGB or as you just clarified for me also known as Mossad :)

Putin may have been an Ex-KGB but my point was the Russian govt. Putin aint the stand alone decision maker there, he aint a dictator, no matter what the western media shows u about Putin. This guy has the guts to speak about right and wrong. For ur info Russia just put a Ban on Gay Marriage. Look now what Putin is doing Anti-Zionists actions.

Thanks for the reference. I will definitely look it up.

That's the false perception that we have that we always have to depend on someone else for our progress. Malaysia or Turkey didn't have to depend on China or Russia or US to make the transition. They invested in education and worked hard themselves. There is no short cut to progress and you can't ride to progress dreamland by riding on someone else' shoulders. This dependency mindset is what has us languishing in American or Arab laps for a long long time.

Wrong my friend, Turkey and Malaysia were never alone, they were and are being supported by US and allies. i again urge u to do some research on it as well.

Thanks for ur time, reading my comments
