Request to moderators for strict moderation

master timi

MPA (400+ posts)
Dear Admins and Moderators,

I would like to request for adopting a policy of strict moderation from now on till a new government is formed (or at least till the election results are announced). There is lots of propaganda stuff being posted here with either of the following:
  • proper source of information.
  • very dubious sources (a video or an opinion only available or distributed by a certain party FB pages or media cell).
  • Old videos, news articles, surveys being posted with new labels and giving the impression as if they are recent.
  • Propaganda videos from different political parties without having any meaningful stuff.
This sort of stuff must be removed from the forum immediately. Since is very popular and powerful, so anything presented here spreads very fast and is also used as a propaganda with embedded videos or links.

I would also propose to ban the members doing this kind of stuff repeatedly after a fair warning.

You guys are doing a good job but probably you need to put in few extra hours till Elections and if you can't then please add more (temporary) mods to the forum.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
I disagree, truth always prevails so why be afraid of lies, why give them a another opportunity to malign this forum and its members for unwanted censorship and bannings.

Let them speak their minds, fabricate their lies, for they are damaging no one else other than themselves and their "cause" and exposing themselves as corrupt liars. Better the devil you know ;)

Anonymous Paki

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
everyone has a right to post whatever they want

but similar content should be merged

so we have a clean front and we don't end up clicking on the same content again and again


Minister (2k+ posts)
And special filter should be applied for the most absurd and preposterous stuff frequently posted by SaRashid. This guy is suffering from diarrhea of non-sense.


MPA (400+ posts)
Dear Admins and Moderators,

I would like to request for adopting a policy of strict moderation from now on till a new government is formed (or at least till the election results are announced). There is lots of propaganda stuff being posted here with either of the following:
  • proper source of information.
  • very dubious sources (a video or an opinion only available or distributed by a certain party FB pages or media cell).
  • Old videos, news articles, surveys being posted with new labels and giving the impression as if they are recent.
  • Propaganda videos from different political parties without having any meaningful stuff.
This sort of stuff must be removed from the forum immediately. Since is very popular and powerful, so anything presented here spreads very fast and is also used as a propaganda with embedded videos or links.

I would also propose to ban the members doing this kind of stuff repeatedly after a fair warning.

You guys are doing a good job but probably you need to put in few extra hours till Elections and if you can't then please add more (temporary) mods to the forum.

These below people are clearly working against our fooj and trying to malign them should be watched carefully :

Zaidi Qasim, Zinda_Rood, bhaibarood,Pappuchikna,Shah Shatranj,Shaikh,Sohraab,ansar_raja786,scolfeild,BMW,aneeskhan
