Renowned comedian and stage artist Fareed Khan passes away


MPA (400+ posts)
Pakistani comedian Fareed Khan dies of cancer


Karachi: Renowned comedian and stage actor Fareed Khan has passed away in Karachi on Saturday. Fareed Khan was suffering from cancer for the last couple of years and was being treated at a local hospital.

The funeral prayer of the actor will be held today after Asar prayer at Gulistan-e-Johar Community Centre. The actor spent his last days in financial problems but the government failed to help him out of his miseries.

He was one of the few early entrants in entertainment industry in Pakistan. People are saddened by his death.


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Pakistan 1st

Minister (2k+ posts)
ایک عظیم فنکار، فنون لطیفہ کی دنیا کا ایک بڑا نام ۔۔۔
پروردگار مرحوم کو اپنے جوارحمت میں جگہ عطا فرمائے
