Reham khan has only 1 more day left to do lying & propoganda then her task from pmln worth millions will end.

Imran the legend

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Disgrace women reham khan ex wife of Imran Khan since her divorce has been lying and been doing propoganda and launching her controversy book.

She has given no proof just lying and propoganda she is brought by corrupt sharif family Shabaz sharif and pmln ministers.

Then she is on geo tv which is part of corrupt pmln and friends of Nawaz sharif and Shabaz sharif.

Reham Khan propoganda didn’t work no one believed her they knew she was lying and sharif brothers have been using these tactics since Imran khan came in politics.

Pmln ppp are not political parties they are corrupt mafia like Italy mafia and Russia mafia and reham khan is there agent who is doing there dirty work for millions of rupees.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
She might leave country soon. British national, kids already abroad. must have taken millions from shareefs to write this book.
Since this doesnt work Tyran ke mamu a jai ge kutch aur utha ker

Imran the legend

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
She is very dirty women. She had plans from start that is why she married Imran Khan. For money she will do any thing.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Disagree... Her new contract will start after IK becomes PM.. She'll stir up controversies especially when he's on foreign tours.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Her next goal is to win Nobel Prize as did Malala. Degrade PAK Army and Islam. Simple as that....


MPA (400+ posts)
The clip which is posted first that Imran khan said It was a big mistake to marry this wich. I sow this clip but I could not find these words by khan. of course it was planned then automatic comes a audio clip from her she said I don't drink I am living according to Quran etc nauzbillah. But khan never mention her name no where.
