Reason behind Hong Kong and South Korea Success story...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Remember we are fighting a war against Carona ...that is yet to be won ...This Man . ? . alone cannot win the war for you...if you do not support and cooperate... you must follow gov instructions.. specially people going to mosques... age over 50 shouldnt insist on entering the mosque... its for their own safety...and must wear mask when leaving your home...


Cooperative Residents are one of the key factors of their success, apart from the Swift Government Response and Good Health System etc...
watch this short video to know more...
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اب انہیں ہی دیکھ لیں۔۔ چند دن قبل تک لاٹھی سوٹھے اٹھائے مسجدیں کھلوانے کا اعلان کررہے تھے۔۔
دکان کھل گئی ۔۔اب آرام سے گھر پر رہینگے۔۔۔اللّٰہ ہی انہیں ہدایت دے۔۔کہ ہر وقت مال بنانے کا نہیں ہوتا۔


Dr Adam

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
اب انہیں ہی دیکھ لیں۔۔ چند دن قبل تک لاٹھی سوٹھے اٹھائے مسجدیں کھلوانے کا اعلان کررہے تھے۔۔
دکان کھل گئی ۔۔اب آرام سے گھر پر رہینگے۔۔۔اللّٰہ ہی انہیں ہدایت دے۔۔کہ ہر وقت مال بنانے کا نہیں ہوتا۔


پاکستان میں تمام مسالک کے مولانا حضرات پہلی بار کسی مسئلے پر اجتہاد کرکے متفق ہوئے ہیں کہ میرشکیل الرحمٰن کی گرفتاری سراسر غیرشرعی اور غیراسلامی ہے . وہ وقت دور نہیں جب ان مولاناؤں کی طرف سے فتوی جاری ہوگا کہ میر شکیل وقت کا ولی ہے اور اسکی بیعت کرنا ہر مسلمان پر فرض ہے
میرشکیل الرحمان کی قید انصاف اور شریعت کے خلاف ہے۔ مفتی تقی عثمانی اور مفتی منیب

بیان سنتے ہی مختیارے اور بوٹے نے مفتی صاحبان کی طرف دوڑ لگادی

Wake Up Pakistan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bhai App nay Video algae hai SK and HK kee

Waha logo nay Govt. Say zaida responsibility show see hai

Population be kaam hai loog mai Awareness and education be hai our Economically be strong hai


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bhai App nay Video algae hai SK and HK kee

Waha logo nay Govt. Say zaida responsibility show see hai

Population be kaam hai loog mai Awareness and education be hai our Economically be strong hai

Logo ka mindset buhuth ahem kirdar Ada kartha hay...our people need training....



Minister (2k+ posts)
I have family in Hong Kong and the main reason they were able to beat it without lockdown is that ...they already went through SARS virus in 2003. Secondly, every body wore masks from day one and no one will be in the streets without it. Only schools were closed otherwise most businesness were open. People were practicing social distance... However in the US and europe, they kept saying no need for face masks unless you are sick. I see this as the main difference.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I have family in Hong Kong and the main reason they were able to beat it without lockdown is that ...they already went through SARS virus in 2003. Secondly, every body wore masks from day one and no one will be in the streets without it. Only schools were closed otherwise most businesness were open. People were practicing social distance... However in the US and europe, they kept saying no need for face masks unless you are sick. I see this as the main difference.

