Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Remember we are fighting a war against Carona ...that is yet to be won ...This Man . ? . alone cannot win the war for you...if you do not support and cooperate... you must follow gov instructions.. specially people going to mosques... age over 50 shouldnt insist on entering the mosque... its for their own safety...and must wear mask when leaving your home...
Cooperative Residents are one of the key factors of their success, apart from the Swift Government Response and Good Health System etc...
watch this short video to know more...
Cooperative Residents are one of the key factors of their success, apart from the Swift Government Response and Good Health System etc...
watch this short video to know more...
No lockdowns: how Hong Kong and South Korea are beating Covid-19
Lockdowns are not the reason Hong Kong and South Korea are leading the fight against the coronavirus – as neither place ever implemented one. The secret may instead be found in the public mindset.
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