Raw Pakistani Talent on Streets. Can Anyone Help Him Fulfilling His Dream?

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Becoming an accomplished artist is Pakistan is one in a million shot. Because 99% Pakistanis think its a bad profession only for mirasis and kanjars, this fact is driven home harder by bhaand moulvis who call it haram. Why do you think every Pakistan runs to India to "make it big"

Is se kai ziyada acha singers kajal ho rahe hai saalon se.

Also singing some one else's song even a mediocre singer can do well. The real test is to sing well on an original composition.

Just watch Bilal Maqsoods podcast

Why validation from India is important

Experience in India

Why is it next to impossible to make it in Pakistan today


Dr Adam

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Becoming an accomplished artist is Pakistan is one in a million shot. Because 99% Pakistanis think its a bad profession only for mirasis and kanjars, this fact is driven home harder by bhaand moulvis who call it haram. Why do you think every Pakistan runs to India to "make it big"

Is se kai ziyada acha singers kajal ho rahe hai saalon se.

Also singing some one else's song even a mediocre singer can do well. The real test is to sing well on an original composition.

Just watch Bilal Maqsoods podcast

Why validation from India is important

Experience in India

Why is it next to impossible to make it in Pakistan today

Yeh tow hai.
Mullaoun kay nazdeek haaza kunjraan tay yahood o hanood o nasara dey kam!
Khuud salay bachchoun ko pharkanay sey baaz nahi aatay.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Singing unfortunately is not a rare talent. To be successful and make it as a singer, one needs the whole package, looks, voice, oomph, x factor, chutzpah and luck.
