'Raw agent's arrest' a lie, want India's support against 'terrorist' Pakistan: Baloch women's group


Minister (2k+ posts)

[FONT=arial !important]New Delhi: In yet another revelation, Pakistan's lie has been nailed once again. World Baloch Women’s Forum president Naela Quadri Baloch on Saturday denied having any information about the alleged 'RAW agent' whom Pakistan claims to have arrested from Balochistan.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial !important]Hitting out at the Nawaz Sharif-led government, Naela Quadri Baloch strongly condemned Pakistan's atrocities against Balochistan.


[FONT=arial !important]She further said India must support the people of Balochistan and stop Pakistan from committing genocide against her people. "The demand of the Baloch people that India should intervene in Balochistan, India should stop Pakistan from genociding Baloch people. India should do it. But India is not doing it. India is not playing their role what they should have," ANI quoted her as saying.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial !important]"Balochistan is not in Pakistan, it is occupied by Pakistan," she added. [/FONT]

[FONT=arial !important]Rubbishing Pakistan's claim about arresting a 'RAW agent' from Balochinstan, the president of World Baloch Women’s Forum said, "There is no RAW or any other agencies who support Baloch. If they really supported us, till now we were free. We would have been an independent country now like Bangladesh​."


MEA rejects Pakistan's 'Indian spy' theory, demands consular access to Kul Bhoshan Yadav

[FONT=arial !important]Talking about the detained Indian naval officer Kulbushan Yadav, who has reportedly confessed in a video about his involvement in an alleged spying activity in the country, especially in Balochistan, Baloch said it is a trap by Pakistan. "It's a lie (arrest of RAW agent), we don't know from where they arrested him & they're showing that it was from Pakistan," she said.


[FONT=arial !important]She further said, "They craft the things like this. They don't accept what they are doing in Balochistan. They are genociding Baloch people and killing at mass level. They are raping Baloch women in their captivity. They kill all the men and take all the women and burn the villages."


[FONT=arial !important]Urging India and Afghanistan to take a strong stand against all these, Baloch said it was the responsibility of India and Afghan to support them. "Independent Balochistan is a promise for a non-nuclear region. It's a promise for safety of India and Afghanistan, it's a promise for economic development of India and Afghanistan and Central Asia and Arab countries and the whole world. We are the junction the connecting point. If we are occupied by a terrorist Pakistan and you are silent, then how you can expect peace in your country?" she added.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial !important]Pakistan earlier released a six-minute video of detained Indian naval officer Kulbushan Yadav wherein he has reportedly confessed to his involvement in an alleged spying activity in the country, and especially in Balochistan.


[FONT=arial !important]Recently, according to GEO news, the Pakistani government has written a letter to Tehran asking for their help in investigating the activities of Kulbhushan Yadav.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial !important]The Pakistani Interior Ministry has also asked the Iranian government to share details of RAW networks on Iranian soil, the GEO news reported.

[FONT=arial !important]According to media reports, Kulbhushan Yadav was allegedly arrested by a intelligence agencies in Balochistan last week and he was later shifted to Islamabad for investigation.

[FONT=arial !important]On Friday, Pakistan even protested against the “illegal entry” and “subversive activities” of a purported RAW officer arrested in Balochistan province but India said the detained man has no link with the government.

[FONT=arial !important]The external affairs ministry spokesperson acknowledged the man was a former Indian Navy personnel but dismissed allegations of espionage, saying India believes a stable Pakistan is in the interest of the region.

[FONT=arial !important]Indian high commissioner Gautam Bambawale was “summoned by the Foreign Secretary today (March 25, 2016) and through a demarche conveyed our protest and deep concern on the illegal entry into Pakistan by a RAW officer and his involvement in subversive activities in Balochistan and Karachi”, said a statement from the Foreign Office.

[FONT=arial !important]The statement did not give any other details.

[FONT=arial !important]Pakistan has repeatedly accused India of fomenting unrest in Balochistan, the country’s largest province, but it has never offered any evidence to back up its claims. Such allegations have always been dismissed by New Delhi.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial !important](With Agency inputs)[/FONT]

First Published: Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 18:02

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Babar Khan

Senator (1k+ posts)
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif](Excuseme for Plagiarism)[/FONT]

[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif]Its multi dimensional war that the Pakistani nation and Army is fighting.[/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif] Pakistan’sarmed forces are one of the few organizedinstitutions left in the country. Not surprisingly, because of theirprofession and training, their resistance to Indian domination isrobust. Tarnishing the reputation and credibility of thePakistan Army is an important element of the Indian (andWest) strategy.[/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif]1.One element of the strategy is the attempt, pursued in tandem withthe West, to neutralize Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence capabilities.(you can say it is one point agenda).[/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif]2.Subversion, involving infiltration, sponsorship and support fordissident or disgruntled groups within Pakistan.[/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif]3.some political leaders have had intimate contacts with the Indians(and other countries) . Shamefully, some of them are known to haveexpressed the desire for Indian and other foreign intervention inPakistan’s internal affairs.[/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif]4.Media.[/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif]Nowis the time to break into these traitor media cells, and apprehendsome of the big mouths with proof. We will not be able to progresstowards building trust among people and soldiers and eventuallyachieve economic prosperity and peace till these journalists are atloose and playing in hands of our enemies. [/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif]5.Economic Development.[/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif]Terrorism(Foreign Sponsored ) disrupt Pakistan’s normal domestic, economicand trading activities which not only result in higher costs ofbusiness but also create commotion in the production cycles,resulting in significant delays in meeting the export orders aroundthe globe. Asa result, Pakistani products lose their market share to theircompetitors. Additionally, terrorism creates uncertainty, reducesconfidence and increases risk perceptions; leading to lower rates ofinvestment and lower economic growth.[/FONT]
[FONT=Century Schoolbook L, serif]wewill survive InshaAllh and defeat the malicious will of the enemywith the help of ALLAH Almighty and the unification of our nation.[/FONT]


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
India Altaf is khatoon aur aisay kuch logon ki waja se he Pakistan mein karwaiyan kar raha aur yeh Indian ki mudakhlat ka khud aik sabot hay
But I would ask the authorities to address the real issues of Balochistan so these rats can,t exploit the situation and can,t take the advantage of the situation


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakiatan at this stage is what Pskiatan is, it is because of Pakistan's willingness to face up to invaders into Afghanistan, hind side is 20/20 but at the time Pakiatab desided to do what it did looking at the situation in Afghanistan, so now Pakiatab should tell these traitors to love it od leave it.

Send them packing to Indi?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is another proof besides when she visited India and sat with Bal Thackeray wearing yellow clothes, that she I'd Indisn agent.
well we will know if she does open her mouth for endia. I am sure all the endian employees in Pakistan are getting briefed on making a counter campaign to Yahdevs capture.


Senator (1k+ posts)
جب حکومت چپ سادھ لے گی تو بھانت بھانت کی بولیاں تو سننے کو ملیں گی۔ بھارتیوں نے حکمرانوں کو اپنا کانا کیا ہوا ہے۔ بھارت کے معاملے میں یہ گونگلو گونگے بہرے اور اندھے ہیں۔ ابھی تو ایک پھلجھڑی سامنے آئی ہے۔ اگر حکمرانوں کے منہ کے چھالے ٹھیک نہ ہوئے تو اور بھی بہت سی عاصمائیں باریاں اور سرمدیں بھارت کے حق میں اور پاکستانی اداروں کے خلاف بولیں گی اور ان کا ساتھ دینے کے لیے کچھ مونچھوں والے بے غیرت سے بابے بھی آ جائیں گے میڈیا پر۔


Naela Quadri Baluch should also be investigated , her funds chains, communicationso etc , I am sure she will also be having links with RAW
