Raheel Sharif Statement that Enemy of china is enemy of Pakistan - just to elicit help for Baluchist


Minister (2k+ posts)
Would anyone from defence establishment experience ,explain to me what is meant by Gen.Raheel Sharif comment that "China's enemy is our enemy" or some thing similar in meaning .

This comment has not come for Saudi Arabia which has Mecca the centre of Islam , why this display of warmth especially when India is making up with China and China with India.Who is the enemy of China ?. Who ?

Is Raheel Sharif hoping for Chinese assistance in taming anti Pakistan forces in Baluchistan as corridor goes through, Is USA opposing it , ?. India in my view will be its biggest beneficiary ultimately , I mean of corridor .

My impression is it is a statement to remove any doubts in chinese minds that corridor will be used for insurrection in Muslim China or that Pakistan is wavering as to whom it will choose if given the choice .

On my part I still value west more than China ,as they will always go back being distant but Chinese once they enter they will never return till the end of times, besides did china reply , enemy of Pakistan is china's enemy too , it did not .

In 1971 war we waited for china , we could not get even one glacier back despite US and Chinese being our elders .
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan ultimately must stand on its Owen feet,militarily and economically.Take help where ever it comes from.The main thing is clean up your Owen mess at the same time.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Nauman Ghauri

Councller (250+ posts)
In the whole 20 line Question, the author has tried to establish one thing, that China & India are friends and India has no problem with the CPEC rather India will be the biggest beneficiary. [hilar]

Mera khayal hai k poora india paagal hai k CPEC pe 06 mahinay se maatam ker raha hai, jab k un ko to pata he naihn keh yeh to un k faiday ki baat hai. (clap)


Senator (1k+ posts)
Bhai Shaikh sahab kia yeah likhtay hoa sar nechay aur pair upper thay. Br. you are confused India is the only country that openly objected and the reason is actually not what it mention as Kashmir is theirs but that Pakistan will grow tremendously Insha Allah and Pakistan's benefit is India's most disliked thing, besides Pakistan has already an understanding with Saudi Arabia about its sovereignty as we already saw and herd the news when Saudi's asked for Pakistan's troops to attack another country and as rightly Pakistan refused (due to public pressure and it was right) to participate in attack only for defense Pakistan will send its forces. Moreover China and India are in conflict for the last 50+ years over Arunachal Pardesh that China considers its territory and call it Southern Tibet and as I remember Pakistan was never waiting for China to interfere in 1971 as China had its limitations at that time as it was not developed and jumping in another country affairs is not easy it was America that was sending the 7th. fleet to the Bay of Bangal and is still on the way.


Minister (2k+ posts)
bhai shaikh sahab kia yeah likhtay hoa sar nechay aur pair upper thay. Br. You are confused india is the only country that openly objected and the reason is actually not what it mention as kashmir is theirs but that pakistan will grow tremendously insha allah and pakistan's benefit is india's most disliked thing, besides pakistan has already an understanding with saudi arabia about its sovereignty as we already saw and herd the news when saudi's asked for pakistan's troops to attack another country and as rightly pakistan refused (due to public pressure and it was right) to participate in attack only for defense pakistan will send its forces. Moreover china and india are in conflict for the last 50+ years over arunachal pardesh that china considers its territory and call it southern tibet and as i remember pakistan was never waiting for china to interfere in 1971 as china had its limitations at that time as it was not developed and jumping in another country affairs is not easy it was america that was sending the 7th. Fleet to the bay of bangal and is still on the way.
this is a 101% accurate assesment and historical facts, agreed, agreed, agreed...


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
When India and US were dead against Pakistan during Afghan war it was only China which made their nefarious plans go in thin air. So be grateful to the nation which stood with you at the time of difficulty.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I wished someone from experience of defence establishment to reply , who is the enemy of china of whom we are the enemies too?. Is it too much to ask which enemies are we talking about , Is it USA? , Are they Chinese seperatist Muslims ? or is it just a way of annoying USA or is it a long term foreign policy statement? First answer this .If it is India why is China planning infrastructure improvement in India . Then of course Pakistan China corridor probably will function less as Gwadar outlet than as china India trade , just wait and see. Are we not almost committed to Iran India pipeline .

The remark to me is concerning eliciting chinese logistic and aerial surveillance help to suppress rebels in the route of corridor so as to weaken people and tribes operating in Pakistan at foreign behest against Pakistan and that sense a valid project . However not to consider suppression of Chinese Muslims is not what a Muslim brother can ignore ,their issue shouldalso be resolves via autonomy etc .

There is always a difference between credentials as a Muslim and credentials as a nationalist alone .


Minister (2k+ posts)
In the whole 20 line Question, the author has tried to establish one thing, that China & India are friends and India has no problem with the CPEC rather India will be the biggest beneficiary. [hilar]

Mera khayal hai k poora india paagal hai k CPd yet wer 06 mahinay se maatam ker raha hai, jab k un ko to pata he naihn keh yeh to un k faiday ki baat hai. (clap)

Never be sure of Indian politics , Gandhi was all out for united India but Nehru was secretly wishing to get rid of Muslim street sentiment so as to make rest of India governable for him and his intended dynasty , Hindus of Pakistan were opposed to creation of Pakistan yet by partition many had sent wealth and younger children to India already . India is making up with china and china with india . china depends on exports to USA and EU , and will not openly work agaisnt them , China has hardly vetoed any antimuslim move in UN for the last decades . One reason that Industry is not developing in Pakistan is China and its cheap goods .
Indians know they have nothing to loose but what does worry them is not the corridor which will help China India trade and no body should have doubt about this , but that in the process we will crush Baluch insurgency nurtured by foriegn powers with chinese help .

Nauman Ghauri

Councller (250+ posts)
Never be sure of Indian politics , Gandhi was all out for united India but Nehru was secretly wishing to get rid of Muslim street sentiment so as to make rest of India governable for him and his intended dynasty , Hindus of Pakistan were opposed to creation of Pakistan yet by partition many had sent wealth and younger children to India already . India is making up with china and china with india . china depends on exports to USA and EU , and will not openly work agaisnt them , China has hardly vetoed any antimuslim move in UN for the last decades . One reason that Industry is not developing in Pakistan is China and its cheap goods .
Indians know they have nothing to loose but what does worry them is not the corridor which will help China India trade and no body should have doubt about this , but that in the process we will crush Baluch insurgency nurtured by foriegn powers with chinese help .

I am sorry to differ but I find your analysis majorly flawed and lacking basic grounds.

1- Are you really supporting your future vision on the differences of Gandhi & Nehru approaches?

2- I don't think that from China's perspective, Pakistan has to be seen as a Muslim country only and it's current military, political & geographic structure doesn't matter at all.

3- Thirdly, its primarily 5GW era, you dont have to attack a country to conqueror it with getting soldiers killed and a heavy burden on your economy, rather you have to make them dependent on yourself economically.

China has been fighting 5GW against India, USA & EU since the last decade, and seems like China has won it.

Now hitting straight to the spine of the topic, China is becoming primarily dependent on Pakistan through CPEC.

Please give a second & fervent thought to my last statement.
