Raheel Shareef had APS Martyres Photos in Office, I also Look at the Photos to stay Strong - Army Ch


Senator (1k+ posts)
mostly strong personality people just bark in Pakistan, where as people with down to earth personality works hard without shouting every achievement on media, i expect maturity from this guy


MPA (400+ posts)
We will see your outcome in a couple of months as there is a saying that Action speak louder than words. We will see how capable you are. From the beginning the people call you the Tatoo of ***** but I disagree. Will see what you deliver.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Ideally Nawaz & Zardari overseas Properties,must printed on our 1000 & 5000 notes, telling the world how our leaders are hard working not only developing Pakistan, rather making overseas people how big & beautiful Properties they made on other hand.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Gen Flatus used to keep pictures in his pocket- Used to take out and passed one flatus.
Worst period of terrorism in history of Pakistan Gen Flatus & Gen Zanani


Senator (1k+ posts)
APS children parents are demanding judicial inquiry . where as army and the govt are silent on that. Keeping their photos in office while depriving them of fair investigation of the case is merely a drama staged by Musharafi child .


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Open Corruption by PAK Army
After completing full benefits & Perks in Army ,bribe to retire
