Question for PTI Trolls: Is IK a pushtoon or a punjabi

Hi Guys,
I am genuinely confused, Reason being for last week or so ANP and PPP people are trying to say on tv shows that current PTI dharna is nothing but a duel between 2 punjabi leaders being IK and NS. Now as far as I am concerned I think every where on this site I have read IK as "Khan" which I thought was implying that he belonged to KPK and was pushtoon..So pls help me understand if he is a punjabi and fighting a war for his own ego or he is a pushtoon who is fighting a war for his ego


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

If you know the answer to question: is Sharif Kashmiri or Punjabi?, then you can answer this question about IK as well :P


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
i think he is punjabi and pathan both. however he unlike other punjabi leaders he doesnt use ethnicity card. In fact i would argue there is not enough pakhtoon representation in the pti top brass.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
He is a Paksitani, Fighting for Rights & Ego of Pakistani People.

Nawaz Sharif is a wealthy pig, who is looting and plundering Pakistan and its People, for his own ego and benefits.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اس سے کوئی فرق نہیں پڑھتا ،عمران خان جو بھی ہےوہ اس ملک کا محب وطن باشندہ ہےجو غریبوں بیماروں کے لئے بہت کچھ کرچکا ہے اور اس ملک میں انصاف امن اور خودمختاری چاہتا ہے اس لئے اسکا ساتھ دینا اپنا فرض سمجھتے ہیں​


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
IK aur Baqi Chore Politicians mein koi farq nazar naen aa raha
O Mian sb Jaan deo sadi wari aan deo
oye mir shakeel mein tujhey dekh loon ga
Oye CJ too kitney mein bika hai (Ch sb mein ne to bus aewein ee keh diya tha sari quom aap ko hero samajhty hai.even sari quom iss kaney ke moonh pe thookna pasand krty hai kash khan yahan he stand le jata per yeh na to pushtoon lagta hai na he Punjabi Bcoz both are brave and great.


Minister (2k+ posts)
i think he is punjabi and pathan both. however he unlike other punjabi leaders he doesnt use ethnicity card. In fact i would argue there is not enough pakhtoon representation in the pti top brass.

Khaacher dono ka mix. Na ghoora na ghadaah


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
His mother belong to Mehsood qabila of Waziristan and his Father is Niazi of Mianawali. Mianwali was previously district of KPK and now in Punjab. so his nature quitely matches Pashtuns.
You can say he is beautiful combination of Pashtun and Punjabis. actualy he is Niazi Pathan.
