Quaid E Azam speaks to Pakistan 2013


Pakistani ... you want to progress, and have peace. Nominate a Hindu AS President of Pakistan. Till the time we dont come out of our religious/Ethnic Box. We will never Progress.

Pakistan is not for Wahabi Saudi / Punjabi Muslims only. Pakistan stand for every one. Be it Kafir or 110% pure Muslim or Son of soil.... If you can understand this logic. You just took a step in the right direction.

Pakistan Zindabad



Minister (2k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakistani ... you want to progress, and have peace. Nominate a Hindu AS President of Pakistan. Till the time we dont come out of our religious/Ethnic Box. We will never Progress.

Pakistan is not for Wahabi Saudi / Punjabi Muslims only. Pakistan stand for every one. Be it Kafir or 110% pure Muslim or Son of soil.... If you can understand this logic. You just took a step in the right direction.

Pakistan Zindabad

So the Hindus don't have sects ? No Brehman No Shooder , No Khasthari and soo on ?
We need a Genuine Muslim leader to reconcile & lead this nation (Not a Hindu Leader)


YOu missed.... I said think outside the BOx.... Grow up .

FOr your information, there are no Genuine Muslim Leaders.. if they are then you might not like them.. for they might come from Different school of thoughts. Then what?

SO for a Change, give Pakistan a chance and give Pakistani Hindus the leadership. We might pull our selves out of this Ditch for a change.

So the Hindus don't have sects ? No Brehman No Shooder , No Khasthari and soo on ?
We need a Genuine Muslim leader to reconcile & lead this nation (Not a Hindu Leader)


Minister (2k+ posts)
میرے عزیزہم وطنو

،اگر مجھے پتہ ہوتا کہ یہ قوم اس قدر احمق ہے کہ ملک ملنے کے 65 برس اور جمہوری عمل شروع ہونے کے 43 برس بعدبھی اس قوم کو عقل نہیں آنی اور پھر وہی 'نواز، زرداری، الطاف، فضلو' کو اپنے حکمران منتخب کرتے رہیں گے اور اسلام اور دہشت گردی میں فرق بھی نہیں سمجھ سکیں گے اور برطانیہ کی غلامی سے نکل کر امریکہ کی غلامی میں چلی جائے گی تو میری اور میرے دوست اقبال کی توبہ جو ہم 'پاکستان' نام کا کوئی ملک بنانے کا 'الزام' اپنے سر لیتے۔ بندہ پوچھے اگر'اسلامی' 'جمہوریہ' 'پاکستان' میں ویسٹ منسٹر سٹائل پارلیمنٹری ڈیموکریسی میں ذات،برادری،قومیت،فرقہ،رنگ،زبان،نسل،نالی،گٹر،جعلی ڈگری،قبضہ گروپ،اور قیمے والے نان کے لئے ہی ووٹ دینے تھے تو مجھ سے اتنا کشٹ کیوں کروایا۔

ہُن بھگتو تے 'ہورچوپو، تے 'شیر بنو شیر'۔ چ ول و،مر ای جاو شرم نال یا فیر بےشرمی نال۔
برٹش پاسپورٹ بھی گیا اور عزت بھی اور سکون بھی۔

بدقسمتی سے آپ کا بد قسمت
بابائے قوم،مسٹر جناح


Minister (2k+ posts)
YOu missed.... I said think outside the BOx.... Grow up .

FOr your information, there are no Genuine Muslim Leaders.. if they are then you might not like them.. for they might come from Different school of thoughts. Then what?

SO for a Change, give Pakistan a chance and give Pakistani Hindus the leadership. We might pull our selves out of this Ditch for a change.

i did talk about reconciliation of ummah first and then leader ..... So yes think outside a box... but not on another box placed next to you with another disease...
and your logic for hindu leader is like curing a cancer with an aids effected syringes


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Only Muslim's can rule Pakistan. The country was created by Muslim people in the name of Islam.
