Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
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Pakistani ... you want to progress, and have peace. Nominate a Hindu AS President of Pakistan. Till the time we dont come out of our religious/Ethnic Box. We will never Progress.
Pakistan is not for Wahabi Saudi / Punjabi Muslims only. Pakistan stand for every one. Be it Kafir or 110% pure Muslim or Son of soil.... If you can understand this logic. You just took a step in the right direction.
Pakistan Zindabad
So the Hindus don't have sects ? No Brehman No Shooder , No Khasthari and soo on ?
We need a Genuine Muslim leader to reconcile & lead this nation (Not a Hindu Leader)
YOu missed.... I said think outside the BOx.... Grow up .
FOr your information, there are no Genuine Muslim Leaders.. if they are then you might not like them.. for they might come from Different school of thoughts. Then what?
SO for a Change, give Pakistan a chance and give Pakistani Hindus the leadership. We might pull our selves out of this Ditch for a change.