Punjab Insititue Of Cardiology Shut Down Completely(Senior Drs,Nurses,Parameds Joins YDA in strike)


Senator (1k+ posts)

In Protest against brutality by Punjab Govt on doctors ,Snr Drs, Parameds,Nurses have joined YDA strike and PIC which is the most sensitive hospital as it deals with heart patients is completely shut down..All 8 Army doctors also left the PIC buidling at 2pm saying that their duty hrs are just from 8am to 2pm..Punjab Govt is killing people with this total mismanagement...Stop bashing the drs and look into the core of the issue...

Was PIC even disturbed one bit before the Torture occured on drs??Nobpdy was on strike in PIC before the police raids on doctors..Now this whole mess is created by CM punjab and he will be answerable to it...


Senior doctors at the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC) have announced the closure of all departments at the hospital other than the Emergency ward, and have demanded that arrested young doctors be released immediately.

Speaking during a press conference on Tuesday, Medical Teachers Association (MTA) President at PIC, Dr Ijaz Ahsan said that senior doctors were withdrawing their services from all departments, including the Outpatient Department (OPDs) and Indoor Departments.
“Young Doctors are the backbone of our system. All arrested young doctors, particularly young doctors of PIC should be released immediately,” said Ahsan.
He said doctors currently deputed at PIC were untrained and could not handle heart patients. “It takes a doctor 10 years to do FCPS and then another five-year’s training to become a cardiologist. How could you expect new doctors to come and replace those who have already completed their training?”
Ahsan said only two doctors were present in the Emergency ward at PIC last night, adding that they had been “abused and threatened” by the attendants as they had been unable to handle the situation.
“Senior doctors are in their 50s and cannot do rigorous work for 24 hours. That is why we are demanding that our doctors should be released immediately,” Ahsan maintained.
He said the government was beguiling patients and the media by showing that they had deployed doctors at all hospitals.
Young Doctors Association (YDA) office bearer of PIC Dr Sami Ijaz said that there had been no problems at the Emergency during the young doctor’s strike as most OPD patients had been treated there. He said by conducting raids and arresting doctors the government had forced them to boycott and withdraw their services from the Emergency and Indoor as well.
Representatives of the Paramedical Alliance of PIC and Young Nurses Association (YNA) also supported the MTA and announced that they will stop working at PIC.
PIC Lahore is a specialised hospital where heart patients come from across the country for treatment.

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Minister (2k+ posts)
If government cannot punish these criminal doctors its time now public should punish these murder doctors.

Jis ka aik patient marta ha parkar kay aik doctor pharka do. In lantio ko bhi pata lagay gribon ke zindgi say khaltay hain lanti kutty.


Councller (250+ posts)
Print some money in billions and give all to these doctors. They will finish strike in minutes.

These doctors are theif who are also involved in stealing people organs.
for the first 13 days of OPD strike no deaths occurred
now from the time gov arrested doctors from hostels, their homes and FROM EMERGENCIES... deaths started
gov and media are portraying that adequate replacements have been hired...so why so many deaths???
army doctors and newly hired doctors...which according to gov and media are in such huge numbers... so why so many deaths?? is the gov hiring unexperienced doctors who r not fit for the job??? or is the gov lying regarding the numbers and new jobs????
There are hundreds of societies foundations and organizations run by medical students in all over Punjab just for the welfare of patient...

some links given below....even then media call us killers......we are the Muslims we are the pakistani.....who worked, working and will work for our nation......not even a singhle MPA/MNA sectary or any media person worked or donated blood for patients......itz only the doctors......






To all my non doctor friends... here's some food for thought : step aside from ur TVs and think for a moment. Shouldnt a doctor be considered a person, before being the proverbial messiah? Isn't he supposed to defend his own rights and integrity when no one else stands up for him. We serve 24/7 for these patients and yet when they walk out of hospitals, healthy and safe,they remain indifferent to our difficulties, our sleepless nights and life long struggle. how is a doctor, tired from 24 to 48 hrs straight duties supposed to support a family on meager income, let alone manage another job. Remember the issue is abt young doctors and not senior ones who earn better and respectable figures.!
also i'd like to clarify for the non docs that shutting down opds does not mean 'the messiahs' are killing patients..these patients are not critical and mostly end up coming to the indoors and emergencies to get themselves checked anyways..i myself checked such patients in emergency and indooor who were not checked in the outdoor..critical patients come to the emergencies which the doctors never shut down until last night and that too when they were forced to leave due to the threats of being arrested by the police..TELL ME HOW ON EARTH U CAN RUN THE EMERGENCIES WHEN THEY ARE RAIDING UR HOSTELS AND PUSHING DOCTORS OUT OF THEIR RESIDENCE AND ARRESTING THEM AND U WANT THEM TO BE IN JAIL AND RUN EMERGENCIES AT THE SAME TIME?..and apparently that too happened for a short while cuz the emergencies were functioning again n were handed over to seniors after some time.
also lots of patients pass away in hospitals on a daily basis not only in pakistan but world over due to their diseases, etc, AND IT IS MORE IN PAKISTAN BECAUSE PATIENT YAHAN HOSPITAL TAB TAK NAI AATA JAB TAK USKI BIMAARI INCURABLE NA HOJAYE,when a patiernt having diabetes, ishemic heart disease and end stage renal disease or dies due to a dengue bite its not doctor fault, it is fault of malfunctioning heath department, preventive diseases department and those INSENSITIVE, RAMPANT PATIENT ATTNEDANTS WHO DIDNT BRING THE PATIENT TO HOSPITAL EARLIER And iGNORED THEIR DISEASE LIKE ANYTHING, and no matter how hard the doctors try they cannot save them..so all these fatalities the media is highlighting due to the absence of docs probably happen every day even when the docs are there..the media is just trying to brain wash the commoners..'doctors ki drip nikalnay say bacha jaan bahak' give me a break! How does that kill someone??
And no doc wud purposely do that to kill someone esp a child.
You forget that army doctors have privileges like housing, family support, cheaper education for their children etc. You call us insensitive when we demand our rights? Arent you the ones being insensitive when you say that a civilian doctor, deprived of any such comforts doesn't even have the right to at least ask for this for his family? Or should he abandon his country and people altogether for better pays and life, would you be happy then? would your precious army docs leave their everyday comforts and take over these hospitals forever? Its easy to criticize, and be aware, the media is painting the picture it is paid too, by the govt. They sell sensationalism, but manipulate facts. Think straight. We are doctors. We care for our patients! We stood awoke while they suffered, we were hungry and thirsty in hsptls without ACs and even chairs for us to sit. We save lives.. Its time u gave a thought to our plight before passing value judgements .!


Senator (1k+ posts)

Barca Jee Jab tak OPD strike thee tab tak tau Drs responsible thay aur aik death bhe nai hoi un dinon,,Jab hamain bahar karkay punjab Govt nay apnay control main lay liye hain Hospitals tau uskay baad hoanay walee 12 deaths ka qasoor hum pay kaisay???


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Barca Jee Jab tak OPD strike thee tab tak tau Drs responsible thay aur aik death bhe nai hoi un dinon,,Jab hamain bahar karkay punjab Govt nay apnay control main lay liye hain Hospitals tau uskay baad hoanay walee 12 deaths ka qasoor hum pay kaisay???
ڈاکٹر صاحب میں نے خبر پوسٹ کی ہیں ذمہ داری آپ پر نہیں ڈالی




Senator (1k+ posts)
ڈاکٹر صاحب میں نے خبر پوسٹ کی ہیں ذمہ داری آپ پر نہیں ڈالی

Yeh parhain aur masla samjhain kay Punjab Govt nay Police torture karkay maamla kahan ka kahan puhancha dia hai..


LAHORE: Senior doctors at the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC) have announced the closure of all departments at the hospital other than the Emergency ward, and have demanded that arrested young doctors be released immediately.
Speaking during a press conference on Tuesday, Medical Teachers Association (MTA) President at PIC, Dr Ijaz Ahsan said that senior doctors were withdrawing their services from all departments, including the Outpatient Department (OPDs) and Indoor Departments.
“Young Doctors are the backbone of our system. All arrested young doctors, particularly young doctors of PIC should be released immediately,” said Ahsan.
He said doctors currently deputed at PIC were untrained and could not handle heart patients. “It takes a doctor 10 years to do FCPS and then another five-year’s training to become a cardiologist. How could you expect new doctors to come and replace those who have already completed their training?”
Ahsan said only two doctors were present in the Emergency ward at PIC last night, adding that they had been “abused and threatened” by the attendants as they had been unable to handle the situation.
“Senior doctors are in their 50s and cannot do rigorous work for 24 hours. That is why we are demanding that our doctors should be released immediately,” Ahsan maintained.
He said the government was beguiling patients and the media by showing that they had deployed doctors at all hospitals.
Young Doctors Association (YDA) office bearer of PIC Dr Sami Ijaz said that there had been no problems at the Emergency during the young doctor’s strike as most OPD patients had been treated there. He said by conducting raids and arresting doctors the government had forced them to boycott and withdraw their services from the Emergency and Indoor as well.
Representatives of the Paramedical Alliance of PIC and Young Nurses Association (YNA) also supported the MTA and announced that they will stop working at PIC.
PIC Lahore is a specialised hospital where heart patients come from across the country for treatment.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Complete STrike has happened in PIC because this early morning Police has raided KEMU hostel and arrested 40 drs from there and have shifted them to unknown places..Among them is Dr Ahmed Salman who is a FCPS dr at PIC...Shehbaz SHarif has gone psycho and if he feels that torture can make drs surrender,he is mistaken..


Councller (250+ posts)
Senior doctors, nurses show solidarity with YDA

Senior doctors, nurses show solidarity with YDA
DAWN.COM | 1 hour ago


Yong doctors protesting File Photo

LAHORE: Showing solidarity with the Young Doctors Association (YDA), senior doctors, paramedical staff and nurses lodged their protest on Tuesday and demanded that arrested young doctors be released immediately, DawnNews reported.

Addressing a joint-press conference at the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC), Medical Teachers Association (MTA) President Dr Ijaz Ahsan said that senior doctors were withdrawing their services from all departments, including the Outpatient Departments (OPDs) and Indoor Departments.
Representatives of the Paramedical Alliance of PIC and Young Nurses Association (YNA) have also supported Ahsan and announced that they would stop working at the PIC.
A representative of the senior doctors said that hospital administrations were not responsible for the deaths occurred during the strike. In fact, the responsibility lies on the Punjab government which is refusing to provide a service structure to the doctors, he added.
The YDA leaders announced that they would continue the strike until the approval of the service structure.
Young doctors (YD) of Islamabad polyclinic assured their support for Punjabs young doctors. They said that they would challenge the Punjab governments actions in the Supreme Court.
Meanwhile, more than 92 young doctors have resumed their duties in Rawalpindis Benazir Bhutto Hospital.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Senior doctors, nurses show solidarity with YDA

We are united and we will show Zalim-e-aala his true place i.e Jaddah InshaAllah
