Punjab Govt. to introduce reserved seats for Technocrats in Local bodies elections

Hahahahhaha mein soch raha tha yeh nora corruption or dhandli karta hi ac dc tahsildar patwari ke sir par hay yeh kesay innke ikhtayarat kisi elected banday ko dai ga lo Ji peshay khidmat hai ... nazme ala dc lahore


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
شہباز شریف اور اس کی لٹیرا فیملی کے ہوتے ہوے کرپشن ٹیکنوکریٹس رکھنے کی کیا ضرورت ہے


Minister (2k+ posts)
At grass root level the polictics should be avoided it may not be beneficial at the street level, specially in Pakistan where politicial rivalery is taken at personal level. In the big democracies like United States etc are successfully running the local govt without any political affiliation.


President (40k+ posts)
At grass root level the polictics should be avoided it may not be beneficial at the street level, specially in Pakistan where politicial rivalery is taken at personal level. In the big democracies like United States etc are successfully running the local govt without any political affiliation.

Please explain how the local bodies will look like without parties....


Minister (2k+ posts)
I do not thnik it should be party based otherwise I agree with what PTI (Siddique Khan, Mian Aslam) said about the local govts in Punjab Assembly

"Khan said that the Punjab government was trying to revive the system introduced by the British in 1861 which empowered the bureaucracy. The system introduced by Gen Musharraf was better. “Even if it was a dictator who came up with something good, it should be adopted,” he added."


Please explain how the local bodies will look like without parties....


President (40k+ posts)
I do not thnik it should be party based otherwise I agree with what PTI (Siddique Khan, Mian Aslam) said about the local govts in Punjab Assembly

"Khan said that the Punjab government was trying to revive the system introduced by the British in 1861 which empowered the bureaucracy. The system introduced by Gen Musharraf was better. “Even if it was a dictator who came up with something good, it should be adopted,” he added."


Read the article, but
still looking for the JUSTIFICATION of what Punjab Govt. is trying to propose.....


President (40k+ posts)
KPK main tu pehlay "total control" kar lo... abhi kal he tum nay 200 prisonors Taliban ko wapis kiya hain!!!!

Please review your post, then
ponder and laugh at the intelligence of the AUTHOR....
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Reserved seats for Technocrats in Local bodies elections .

Pehlay hi kia kam hain,What the heack with election darama,it is all yours,do what ever you want.

But bring this country in order,not make money like before and take loan on the behalf of comman Public,you have enough money looted from this country,BRING IT BACK AND SPEND ON THIS COUNTRY.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Reserved seats for Technocrats? Does it mean bribing those people to work for the benefits of PML-N?


Minister (2k+ posts)
KPK main tu pehlay "total control" kar lo... abhi kal he tum nay 200 prisonors Taliban ko wapis kiya hain!!!!
When it comes to national level issues we should have a positive discussion and criticism. I do agree with non party based local govt like punchayat or jirga, we used to have before british came to sub continent. That includes ppl from all segments of the society regardless of caste and religion. But it is teethless when you implent it with 18th century law that empowered the burocracy reporting to british commissioner office.
