PTI War on terror policy: Half Baked Policy


Councller (250+ posts)
It is good read.

From Akbar Babar
Half Baked Policy:

The PTIs stated policy on the war on terror revolves around four pillars; (1) withdraw from the US led war on terror, (2) negotiations, (3) truth and reconciliation, and (4) force as the last option.

Now that the US is on the verge of withdrawing from Afghanistan and leaving behind some strategic assets in place, the PTI policy appears time barred. For example, demanding a formal dissociation from the US led war at a time when the US itself is on the verge of dissociating from it makes little practical sense. Similarly, at a time when the warring sides have yet to commence negotiations, leave alone the chances of its success, does it make any sense for the KPK government to announce the withdrawal of the military from Malakand Division?

Keeping aside for a moment the debate whether it was right or wrong for the military to enter FATA or Malakand, the fact is the military is there in strength. It was more important now to factor in the militarys presence in Malakand and FATA and use its withdrawal as leverage for gains towards a comprehensive settlement. The critical questions that appear to have no resonance in the PTI KPK governments announcement of the withdrawal of the military from Malakand Division are: (1) was the timing of the announcement right? (2) Is the civil administration capable of governing Malakand without the military? (3) What message does the timing of the announcement give to the militants and finally (4) are the police and the para military forces capable of providing security to the residents once the military withdraws?

The stated PTI policy was conceived almost 10 years ago when General Musharraf was in power and in league with the demands of the US at that time. For General Musharraf, his survival in power demanded that we plunge deeper into this war. While I was the main architect of the original PTI policy on war on terror including opposing military actions but that policy had a context. The most lethal and strategic context was to stop facilitating the US policy to expand the war zone from Afghanistan to Pakistan. A policy that evolved after the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the US conclusion that without destroying the home base, the revived insurgency in Afghanistan could not be subdued. Fanning internal militancy in Pakistan through Pakistani militants taking sanctuary in Afghanistan is an open secret now. The political objective of this US policy was to convert the entire perspective of a war from their war into our war. Thus, galvanizing the full strength of the Pakistani nation and the state to act as a US proxy without most even knowing about it. And, as a side effect, the more insecure Pakistan gets, the more insecure its strategic nuclear assets in international perspective, thus further building international pressure for Pakistan to forego its nuclear capability. The Syrian example of using internal strife to achieve the strategic objective of disarming it from weapons of mass destruction is a classic example of this policy.

I think, to a large extent, the US and its proxies in the political, military, and the media establishment of Pakistan were successful in transforming an alien war into our war.

Now that it is widely considered our war, does that mean that we should plunge deeper or try and extricate ourselves? Obviously, the overarching goal should remain to end the war as soon as possible. But the more important question for PTI to consider is that the entire context has changed from the time the original PTI policy evolved. The essential principles of the original policy were that; we must not act as mercenaries, protect our sovereignty, respect and value fundamental rights of our citizens whether in Lahore or Wana, support international efforts to curb terrorism, and improve governance in FATA to ensure greater writ of the state.

While the principles remain the same, the present context demands formulating a revised policy that is responsive to the changed circumstances.

In my opinion, a revised PTI policy should keep in perspective the following seven main parameters; (1) Negotiations with a credible military option on the table, (2) improving governance, (3) revamping the police and the para military apparatus as they say in Pakistan on a war footing, (4) carrot and stick policy for weaning smaller militant groups from the mainstream, carrot for those willing to seriously negotiate and wagging the stick selectively, for those with other agendas, (5) investing heavily in the improving the physical and social infrastructure, (6) developing a strong and proactive coordination mechanism with the federal government on the war on terror, and (7) demanding a quid pro quo for facilitating US withdrawal from Afghanistan and negotiations with the Afghan Taliban with cessation of all US and Indian financial and military support to militants fighting against Pakistan.

The timing of the announcement to withdraw troops from Malakand Division is ominous and probably a reflection that the PTI policy makers remain jammed to the older version of the PTI policy on war on terror. Assuming the military does withdraw, lock, stock, and barrel from Malakand, an unlikely scenario, has anyone thought through the consequences if militancy returns with a vengeance in areas now in relative peace albeit under the threat of lethal force?

In a violence stricken society, when ordinary citizens or soldiers die, it has diminished news value. But when a serving two star general is killed commanding troops in an area soon to be vacated by the army on the orders of the PTI government, it is headline news.

At the very least, on sensitive matters of life and death, the PTI should think through before making public half-baked initiatives that may be construed by some as putting the cart before the horse. Any policy that remains static and does not evolve with changing ground realities is as unfit for consumption as the water from a lake that has no fresh water intake.



MPA (400+ posts)
So Mr Faraz , seems your the same faraz whos name is being used in sms poetry of faraz.

PMLN join karli tum ne faraz
warna banday they tum bhi kaam ke.

The time you waste on bringing anti PTI material - My advice spend qtr of that time on understanding aim and goal of PTI and MR I Khan for Pakistan.

Since peace talk are in rumors all foreign funded and so called liberal are raising questions relating all sort of nonsense with Peace Talk. even last incident of dir and demand and question on peace talk, how you correlate all these things or any one can.

APC has agreed on peace talk but no agenda is been derived, which is Federal govt job. If IK is to blamed for this delay then give him power and authority.

Problem is every one is scholar and dansihwar her.

Believe me only solution to this war on terror is to resolve issues of Fata and internal tribes with peace talk rest all those terror element will be reduce by itself at present there nursery is in FATA though tribes are not directly involved but they are being blamed for all what those so called TTP and and other are doing.


Councller (250+ posts)
So Mr Faraz , seems your the same faraz whos name is being used in sms poetry of faraz.

PMLN join karli tum ne faraz
warna banday they tum bhi kaam ke.

The time you waste on bringing anti PTI material - My advice spend qtr of that time on understanding aim and goal of PTI and MR I Khan for Pakistan.

Since peace talk are in rumors all foreign funded and so called liberal are raising questions relating all sort of nonsense with Peace Talk. even last incident of dir and demand and question on peace talk, how you correlate all these things or any one can.

APC has agreed on peace talk but no agenda is been derived, which is Federal govt job. If IK is to blamed for this delay then give him power and authority.

Problem is every one is scholar and dansihwar her.

Believe me only solution to this war on terror is to resolve issues of Fata and internal tribes with peace talk rest all those terror element will be reduce by itself at present there nursery is in FATA though tribes are not directly involved but they are being blamed for all what those so called TTP and and other are doing.

Please read the article and try to understand author point of view. He has worked very closely with Imran Khan in past and he was one of the architect of the PTI war of terror policy.
Summary of his article is

"At the very least, on sensitive matters of life and death, the PTI should think through before making public half-baked initiatives that may be construed by some as ‘putting the cart before the horse.’ Any policy that remains static and does not evolve with changing ground realities is as unfit for consumption as the water from a lake that has no fresh water intake."


Voter (50+ posts)
well the author of the article didnt know the reality.As per our army peace has been established in sawat and malakand division so gov can withdraw forces from there and you know without the the approval of army no gov will take the chance to withdraw forces from there.As per last interview of CM kpk he said no time frame is made for the evacuation of army from malakand and only 2 troops will be withdraw from bunair and wats the point now...People look Army is the main stake holder in these decisions.....and remember US will not leave afghanistan and america clearly states that drones will continue after evacuation from Afghanistan....


MPA (400+ posts)
patwarioon ki baji py mushaqat krty huy.............................
yah nooras ke baji hain????? ....main tu samj raha tha kah yah shere key khaal may soover hain jo ab naam badel ker jaldey jaldey ziadah say ziadah thread post ker raha hain


Minister (2k+ posts)
patwarioon ki baji py mushaqat krty huy.............................

at least we have a known policy
will the thread starter @Patwarah82 tell me whats PMLN's policy i am not king about the qarz otaro mulk snwaro policy or maaafi mang kay jaddah bhag jao policy or nawaz zaradri muk-muka policy I am asking about PMLN's policy on terror


Minister (2k+ posts)

Uxi Ali

MPA (400+ posts)
Yahan jo likha hai sab ghalat hai... Nawaz shareef himself acknowledged that America would not pull out of Afghnistan, not in 2014. PTI has 5 years to govern, and there is atleast 9 months remaining before the pullout... the point saying Now that the US is on the verge of withdrawing from Afghanistan and leaving behind some strategic assets in place, the PTI policy appears time barred. For example, demanding a formal dissociation from the US led war at a time when the US itself is on the verge of dissociating from it makes little practical sense is a total nonsense... KPK people cannot wait and see if the American Troops leave Afghanistan... so the decision of Pullout is 100% right, because what you should consider is that if the American Troops do not vacate by 2014, the taliban might retaliate.... which will be worse if there is Pak Army involved in the FATA and KPK regions. Do not let TTP aur similar factions think that we are against them.. let them know that we are not with them.. nuetrality is the best option here...

The timing of the announcement to withdraw troops from Malakand Division is ominous and probably a reflection that the PTI policy makers remain jammed to the older version of the PTI policy on war on terror. Assuming the military does withdraw, lock, stock, and barrel from Malakand, an unlikely scenario, has anyone thought through the consequences if militancy returns with a vengeance in areas now in relative peace albeit under the threat of lethal force?

This is the worst argument of all time... You must have heard about a thing called MENIFESTO, Manshoor in urdu... Parties contest election on these menifestos and cannot just take a U-Turn by simple saying that this is not possible... There is a difference in Nawaz Shareef (Josh e Khitabat) and Imran Khan (Jo kahunga sach kahunga)... so your argument is invalid!!

About that general who died, he was not marshalling any troop, he was returning from an event.... What you must understand is the greater game of America and NATO and that how skillfully instead of a drons strike on militants, they get an Army Genreal killed, again effecting the APC resolution


fawad ali

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
btw, PMLn is also following this policy and since they are the ones in power, i think you should ask them the questions and not PTI


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We are NOT hundred percent sure whether US will leave completly in 2014. Even if they do I heard they are planning drones for the next 10 years in Pakistan, and what about there CIA/Mosad troops inside Pakistan?

The way forward for govenment is to STOP drones, as long as they continue they will see us as poodles of west and they can easily recruit people especially for those who the drones are effecting the most I remmeber someone stating that the terrorists had a difficult time in recruting people to there cause but when the drones began it made it so much easier for them to recruit, so to say drones are not connected to terrorism would be wrong they are. Secondly foreign agents, what are they exactly doing here anyway fighting terrorism? because there seems no end to these bombs hitting Pakistan, they even have started attacking army generals. So there is NO point them staying as they cannot be trusted also.

Once we are out of this war then it becomes ours, the second thing to do is too talk to them, and see what exactly they want, we have to find out how many different groups there are, and which ones are willing to STOP fighting us, the ones that do not we need to take milatary action against. But a way before milatary action we would require all muslim scholors in one voice to condone terrorism and intellectually take them on.

Too show them we care we also need to go to the areas where drones have been hitting our people. A complete true picture in what they have been through for the last 10 years, the best way to highlight this would be through media anchors doing documenetaries on those areas. We need to make amends with people of these areas and bring them to our side. when u have a community agaisnt us due to these drones it will be easier for terror thinkers to keep on recruiting.
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President (40k+ posts)

Please read the article and try to understand author point of view.
He has worked very closely with Imran Khan in past and he was one of the architect of the PTI war of terror policy.
Summary of his article is

"At the very least, on sensitive matters of life and death, the PTI should think through before making public half-baked initiatives that may be construed by some as ‘putting the cart before the horse.’ Any policy that remains static and does not evolve with changing ground realities is as unfit for consumption as the water from a lake that has no fresh water intake."

He might be but now we doubt his intentions. So can't trust what he says.
