PTI MPA (PP9) Asif Mehmood’s Message
Seems PTI really wants to deliver and provide services. Proud PTI Supporter.
COME JOIN US, We are no angle and we dont claim that we are saints. We are human we do make mistake and we have committed sins for which we all ask ALLAH SWT Forgiveness, but when question is Pakistan we are proud to be pakistani and thats why we are standing behind our leader who is goodwill of pakistan.
One big Hurraaaah to PTIians.
Seems PTI really wants to deliver and provide services. Proud PTI Supporter.
COME JOIN US, We are no angle and we dont claim that we are saints. We are human we do make mistake and we have committed sins for which we all ask ALLAH SWT Forgiveness, but when question is Pakistan we are proud to be pakistani and thats why we are standing behind our leader who is goodwill of pakistan.
One big Hurraaaah to PTIians.