Psychoanalysis of Altaf Hussain: Bipolar Patient

Dr ali ahmad

Voter (50+ posts)
Mutahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Altaf Hussain is suffering from a mental disorder called bipolar disorder, in which the mood of the sufferer swings between the two extremes of elation ( mania ) and depression.

Altaf's telephonic speeches to his party workers clearly depict this mental disorder. During his speeches, he starts singing, which shows his mania ( abnormally elated mood). The next moment he starts crying and cursing like a woman, exhibiting the depression ( abnormally low mood) component of his mental disorder.

Some people think Altaf Hussain is drunk while he makes speeches on telephone to his party workers. Although Altaf Hussain is a drinker but drinking is not the direct reason for the swings in his mental status.A much closer psychoanalysis of Mr Altaf Hussain character through his speeches reveals that he is bipolar patient. He threatens the military establishment of Pakistan and then starts crying and apologising for what he has said against his country. He expresses his pro Indian sentiments and the next moment he tries to show himself as a true patriot. Similarly, he starts complaining agaist his party collegues and the very next time he is heard praising them.His whole character swings between two parodoxical points. And this is what makes him a character full of controversies and opposites-- typical of a bipolar patient.

The people of Pakistan should neither make redicule of the Quaid nor his speeches should be taken seriously by his party workerd as he is a psychiatric patient. It is advisable for Altaf Hussain to resign from the position of being as the chief leader because due to this mental condition he is unable to control the flow of his thoughts through his speech. It is neither good for his own reputation nor for the party.

Dr Ali Ahmad
United Kingdom
[email protected]

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
۔ بھائی ابھی پکڑا نہیں گیا اور بچنے کیلیے دماغی مرض کا بہانہ پہلے سے تیار ہے. ثبوت کے طور پر بھائی کی تقریروں کی ویڈیوز کی صورت میں ایک پہاڑ موجود ہے. صحیح کہتے ہیں یمراج (مہا شیطان)کی سو زندگیاں ہوتی ہیں

dream merchant

Voter (50+ posts)
Pakistani quom tu hy he zhni marezon say bhari hoe,

ab drs ko he dekh lo,,, bhae apny naam k sath dr lagany ki zarorat kea hy?


o bhae dr tumhara naam nahi hy ye tumhara profession hy.
apny behavior say apny dr hony ka sabbot den khud btany ki zarorat nahi..

dr apny naam k sath laga k mentally grown up na hony walon ki ye post achi hy.

Dr ali ahmad

Voter (50+ posts)
Mutahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Altaf Hussain is suffering from a mental disorder called bipolar disorder, in which the mood of the sufferer swings between the two extremes of elation ( mania ) and depression.

Altaf's telephonic speeches to his party workers clearly depict this mental disorder. During his speeches, he starts singing, which shows his mania ( abnormally elated mood). The next moment he starts crying and cursing like a woman, exhibiting the depression ( abnormally low mood) component of his mental disorder.

Some people think Altaf Hussain is drunk while he makes speeches on telephone to his party workers. Although Altaf Hussain is a drinker but drinking is not the direct reason for the swings in his mental status.A much closer psychoanalysis of Mr Altaf Hussain character through his speeches reveals that he is bipolar patient. He threatens the military establishment of Pakistan and then starts crying and apologising for what he has said against his country. He expresses his pro Indian sentiments and the next moment he tries to show himself as a true patriot. Similarly, he starts complaining agaist his party collegues and the very next time he is heard praising them.His whole character swings between two parodoxical points. And this is what makes him a character full of controversies and opposites-- typical of a bipolar patient.

The people of Pakistan should neither make redicule of the Quaid nor his speeches should be taken seriously by his party workerd as he is a psychiatric patient. It is advisable for Altaf Hussain to resign from the position of being as the chief leader because due to this mental condition he is unable to control the flow of his thoughts through his speech. It is neither good for his own reputation nor for that of the party. A mentally sick leader can lead the country to the brim of destruction.

Dr Ali Ahmad
United Kingdom
[email protected]

<span class="post_sig">Posted from WordPress for Android</span>


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistani quom tu hy he zhni marezon say bhari hoe,

ab drs ko he dekh lo,,, bhae apny naam k sath dr lagany ki zarorat kea hy?


o bhae dr tumhara naam nahi hy ye tumhara profession hy.
apny behavior say apny dr hony ka sabbot den khud btany ki zarorat nahi..

dr apny naam k sath laga k mentally grown up na hony walon ki ye post achi hy.

۔ شاید ڈاکٹر صاحب نے آئ-ڈی میں اپنے نام کے ساتھ ڈاکٹر اسلیے لکھا تا کہ لوگ انہیں ایزی نہ لیں

Night_Hawk - Blogger

Depressive episodes are the “lows” of bipolar disorder

To understand bipolar depression it’s important to know what it is—and what it isn’t. Bipolar depression isn’t just feeling sad. It refers to the “lows,” or depressive phase, of bipolar disorder. If this is what you’re dealing with, some or all of the symptoms of bipolar depression* may be all too familiar.
Do you have these symptoms?

If you have 5 or more of these symptoms almost every day in a single 2-week period—in a way that’s different from before—you may be having a major depressive episode associated with bipolar disorder.

  • Depressed mood most of the day
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in most activities, most of the time
  • Significant weight change
  • Changes in sleep patterns—sleeping too much or not at all

  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Trouble concentrating or making decisions
  • Frequent thoughts of death or suicide; suicide attempts

*American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 5th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing: Washington, DC. 2013;25(2):160-161.
Understanding bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder—the larger condition that includes bipolar depression—is a long-lasting, or chronic, illness that can affect anyone. Though it can begin when you’re young or old, half of all cases start between the ages of 15 and 25. There is no cure. But for many people the symptoms can be controlled with treatment.
As the name suggests, bipolar disorder is a condition that affects the brain in a way that can cause extreme mood swings. People with bipolar disorder can go from mania—feeling euphoric and on top of the world (or revved up and irritable)—to feeling sad, hopeless, or worse.
The time spent in these moods can vary in length. Occasionally, for some people, the change can even happen in as little as a day. These highs and lows are called “episodes” of mania and depression. That’s why you’ll sometimes hear bipolar disorder referred to as manic depression. Some people may experience mood swings that are less extreme than a full manic episode, known as hypomania.
LATUDA is approved to treat the depressive episodes, but not the manic episodes, associated with bipolar disorder.
Find out more

See this video for more detailed information about bipolar disorder and bipolar depression, their diagnosis and treatment.
Watch now


Bipolar disorder and bipolar depression are more common than many people realize.

  • Bipolar disorder affects about 12.2 million people in the United States
  • As many as 20.9 million people worldwide are estimated to have bipolar disorder

Bipolar depression can be tough to diagnose

People usually see a doctor and get diagnosed when they’re in the low phase. Because of that, their bipolar depression may be diagnosed as a different depressive disorder at first. This is important since the two conditions can be treated very differently.
Are you living with depression? Have you had—or has someone close to you noticed—a pattern of symptoms like those listed above? It can take up to 10 years of being misdiagnosed before bipolar disorder is recognized. This is partly because of the wide variety of symptoms, and also because people (even doctors) don’t always recognize the highs as being abnormal.
Could you be one of the people whose bipolar depression has been missed—or misdiagnosed? Time to ask your doctor about bipolar depression. Tell your doctor if you have ever had a manic episode or if you have a family member with bipolar disorder. It could be helpful to your diagnosis.


If you're on this site, you may already have asked yourself, "Do I have bipolar depression?" The fact is, it's not easy to diagnose bipolar depression. There's no blood test or scan that will tell a healthcare professional that this is definitely what you have.
Take a short questionnaire, then talk it over with your doctor

The Mood Disorder Questionnaire has been found by physicians to be a useful preliminary screener, and by patients to be a simple way to record their experience so they can discuss it with their doctors.
Here’s an interactive version for you to fill out, for help getting that conversation started. Fill it out carefully, print it out and discuss your answers with your doctor.
This isn’t a test for bipolar disorder or bipolar depression. There is no substitute for a full consultation with your doctor. Bring your results with you to your next appointment. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire can act as a guide for your discussion with your doctor.
Take questionnaire

Bipolar depression can be tough to manage

People with bipolar disorder have normal moods about half the time, when they aren’t experiencing symptoms of either mania or depression. But sooner or later, everyone with bipolar disorder experiences one or more depressive episodes.
Bipolar depression can get in the way of the important things in life—family, home, and work. Most people find the symptoms of depression harder to deal with because they happen more often and last longer than the symptoms of mania. On average, people with bipolar disorder spend three times as much of their time in a depressed mood as in manic episodes.


If you’re already diagnosed and still struggling with symptoms of bipolar depression, you can take steps to change that. Speak to your doctor about how you’re feeling and what you can do.
What you can do to help, starting now

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Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
FYI, Canadian Government has banned MQM long time ago
Why British Government is feeding this snake.?
Would u mind comment on this subject?

Altaf Lutfi

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ایک ڈاکٹر کا تجزیہ ھے، دھیان دینا پڑے گا لیکن یہ نھیں بتایا کہ اس بیماری کےدورے کتنے وقفے سے پڑتے ھیں ۔۔ کیوںکہ مجھے نھیں لگتا کہ جب الطاف بھارتی "را" سے مالی معاملات پر بات کرتے ھوں گے، تفصیلات طے ھوتی ھوںگی اور رقم مُلک در مُلک بھیس بدلتی ان کے بستر کے نیچے پہنچتی ھو گی اور اس سارے عمل میں ھفتے لگتے ھوں گے تو اس دوران الطاف نے کبھی بھارتیوں کو بھی گالیاں دی ھوں، جب وہ بھارت یاترا کے دوران تقریب میں اشتعال کی حالت میں تھے تو ان کا نشانہ پاکستان اور پاکستانی فوج تھی، بُھول کر بھی وہ بھارتی حکومت پر نھیں برسے، بیماری اور مکاری کے اس آمیزے کو کیسے قبول کیا جاےؑ ؟

اب تو اللہ کے فضل و کرم سے وہ چار پانچ مہلک بیماریوں کے اکیلے مالک ھیں، اشتعال کو ایک منٹ کے لیے بیماری تصور کر لیں، مگر جب وہ تندرست سانڈ کی طرح تھے اور یونیورسٹی میں تھے تب بھی وہ اپنے پیروکاروں کو اسلحہ خریدنے کی تلقین کر رھے تھے

سوری ڈاکٹر صاحب ! آپ الو کے پٹھے ھیں جو ھزیان بکتے الطاف کی بجاےؑ ھمارے لیے پرھیز کی ھدایات لکھ لاےؑ ھیں


Ali are you really a doctor or a taxi driver because i have never seen a Punjabi doctor but taxi drivers :)

most Punjis have fake degrees any way :)
