Dr ali ahmad
Voter (50+ posts)
Mutahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Altaf Hussain is suffering from a mental disorder called bipolar disorder, in which the mood of the sufferer swings between the two extremes of elation ( mania ) and depression.
Altaf's telephonic speeches to his party workers clearly depict this mental disorder. During his speeches, he starts singing, which shows his mania ( abnormally elated mood). The next moment he starts crying and cursing like a woman, exhibiting the depression ( abnormally low mood) component of his mental disorder.
Some people think Altaf Hussain is drunk while he makes speeches on telephone to his party workers. Although Altaf Hussain is a drinker but drinking is not the direct reason for the swings in his mental status.A much closer psychoanalysis of Mr Altaf Hussain character through his speeches reveals that he is bipolar patient. He threatens the military establishment of Pakistan and then starts crying and apologising for what he has said against his country. He expresses his pro Indian sentiments and the next moment he tries to show himself as a true patriot. Similarly, he starts complaining agaist his party collegues and the very next time he is heard praising them.His whole character swings between two parodoxical points. And this is what makes him a character full of controversies and opposites-- typical of a bipolar patient.
The people of Pakistan should neither make redicule of the Quaid nor his speeches should be taken seriously by his party workerd as he is a psychiatric patient. It is advisable for Altaf Hussain to resign from the position of being as the chief leader because due to this mental condition he is unable to control the flow of his thoughts through his speech. It is neither good for his own reputation nor for the party.
Dr Ali Ahmad
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Posted from WordPress for Android
Altaf's telephonic speeches to his party workers clearly depict this mental disorder. During his speeches, he starts singing, which shows his mania ( abnormally elated mood). The next moment he starts crying and cursing like a woman, exhibiting the depression ( abnormally low mood) component of his mental disorder.
Some people think Altaf Hussain is drunk while he makes speeches on telephone to his party workers. Although Altaf Hussain is a drinker but drinking is not the direct reason for the swings in his mental status.A much closer psychoanalysis of Mr Altaf Hussain character through his speeches reveals that he is bipolar patient. He threatens the military establishment of Pakistan and then starts crying and apologising for what he has said against his country. He expresses his pro Indian sentiments and the next moment he tries to show himself as a true patriot. Similarly, he starts complaining agaist his party collegues and the very next time he is heard praising them.His whole character swings between two parodoxical points. And this is what makes him a character full of controversies and opposites-- typical of a bipolar patient.
The people of Pakistan should neither make redicule of the Quaid nor his speeches should be taken seriously by his party workerd as he is a psychiatric patient. It is advisable for Altaf Hussain to resign from the position of being as the chief leader because due to this mental condition he is unable to control the flow of his thoughts through his speech. It is neither good for his own reputation nor for the party.
Dr Ali Ahmad
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Posted from WordPress for Android
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