Social, historical and political aspects of Christian communities in subcontinent and Pakistan
The Christian minority was hit hard by the bloody events of Peshawar andthe pope labeled it Hate driven. Not so sure are the people of Pakistan as tothe intent . Many try to see a linkbetween Nawaz Sharif's prospective effort to convince Western leaders to stopwasting money on war and many say that this event was meant to drum upsupport for perpetual war. Its sister event in Kenya mall gives support to thisthesis . An article in "TheNews" also quote some so called "Taliban" spokesman saying thatthis is in response to drone attacks. This is sinister news as drones might notstop and so by implication these attacks will not stop too! On reason that Muslim empire hit the borders of Oxus on hand and Spain onthe other and then lasted for a long time till to date with littlediminishing except in format is thatIslam offered six things which were not available to conquered lot upto thattime . These were guarantee of : a) Life b)Honour c)Wealth d)Invitation to brotherhood of Islam i.e equalitye)Low Taxation f) Allowance in most cases to follow their own religion unhindered .God had made Muslims an almost superpower not once but two and half timesin the ancient world. Unlike middleeast where frictionexisted owing to crusader invasion and Christian Muslim wars the situation wasdifferent in the Subcontinent .While recorded history goes back to southern India but in relativelyrecent times , it was Akbar who gave a foot hold to Portuguese priests and theywere most welcome to discuss and compare their faith in the courts. Jahangirkept a picture of Mary and encouraged hearing of Christian lectures and whensome two young ladies of biradariconverted to Christianity and took refuge in Portuguese churches which thenstood in Lahore and Agra, he probably did not intervene for the family of thegirls . Jahangir also allowed his Christian doctor to carry a young Muslimdancing girl for marriage from his court , something which was unheard off tillthat time . When Shahjahan came, along came the ladyof the Taj , Mumtaz Mahal , whose relative girls were not returned by the Portuguese, she got the Agra and Lahore churches demolished. No other Christian communitywas touched Dara Shikoh the son and heirapparent of Shah Jehan seemed like a spiritualist rather than a Muslim to someand he was interested in Hinduism andChristianity. It seems that there was something in Dara Shikoh that letters werewritten back home to Christian leaders that once Dara Shikoh ascends the throne, India's state religion will become Christianity . Aurengzeb was the spoilerthis time to convert India to Christianityand Dara Shikoh's was gotten rid off as a rival but the official alibi was thatDara left the fold of Islam while in captivity. During this period the menace of Portugueseinvasions via waterways in Bengal started , they would suddenly appear and makewhole villages slaves and would boast that they convert into Christianity morein a day than all the Padris of India put together in one year . Aurengzeb puta stop to this enslavement andinvasions. Then start the English period , churches were parts of cantonmentsand even till partition Priests were gazzetted officers not like our freelancermullahs . Just as Muslims did not succeed to convert many Brahmins to Islam sowere Christians unsuccessful in converting higher caste Hindus and those who converted were low caste , i.eoriginal dark Indian races . So inPakistan till forty years back Christians were limited to Cantonments , Sialkotand seemingly kept coming from across border as people say that at PartitionChristian community was much smaller. In the beginning this community was at the fore front of nursing andSanitary duties for municipal committees . Considerable racial mixing seems tohave occurred and no longer is an average Christian very dark with wide lips ,nose etc as we have seen them when we were young . Their economic development is still slow and they need special help . Theyare the only minority community except for some desert Hindus of this countrywho are less well off than average Pakistani . Christians of Pakistan are not awell guided community. The crime in andaddictions in menfolks is very high, just see figures from Islamabad courts,women are breadwinners in many households . One reason of friction in poorincome neighbourhoods is that Christian community from villages is used foroccupying illegally government lands by land mafias .In Islamabad , if your seegoogle Earth you will be surprised at the area of prime lands occupied by thiscommunity as so called Katchi abaddis . Surrounding posh area residentscomplain of thefts. Another three source of frictionsare firstly that Christians are in the forefront of industrial labour actionsin some parts of Punjab , second is that Christian youths mix socially withneighbouring muslim community girls at some places and thirdly it is simplecompetition . There is no doubt that Christians of Pakistan are discriminated againstdespite the fact that like Pathans they are the only one left who do not shunphysical labour although their younger generation youth are not easy stuff tocontrol . Policemen in Islamabad are reported to use Christian youth forconducting Robberies for a service is now a favourite destinationof Christian women . All the above said , what is important that like Muslim community in UK ,Christians are a minority and like all minorities in the world are always atdanger of cleanup . In general my advise to minorities is that they avoid toohigh risk politics , as history shows that be that Jews of Spain or Christiansof Iraq or Muslims of France , minorities are always at high risk . Many would argue with me that this is not true but history tells us otherwise. It is not advisable for Christian community to affiliate too much with foreign NGOs and missions and best forthem is to be seen as main streamaverage patriotic Pakistani . Theburning of tyres on Roads and stoning private cars by Christian communities inlatest protests is not a good sign andthey should avoid it even in genuine protests. There are forces in Pakistan whowant destruction of Pakistan and counter feeling of someone whose car isdamaged can go far in local settings andinflame wide spread riots helped by secret hands . Most Christians of Pakistan feel themselves to be Patriotic Pakistanis andwish to be treated equally and honourable but local western embassies seem tohave other ideas for their own usage and many employ them in preference. In our part of world we have all types of prejudices and though Muslimsconsider Hazrat Isa as a prophet of God the New Testament regards him a jewish reformer ,many considerChristianity not a seperate faith but reformed and modified form of judaism .Many outsiders wonder that if jesus (Isa) was really believed to be son of Godby early Christians then why were his teaching put along that of Bani israelprophets who were acclaimed humans . But then such issues is not the subject of this discourse and we pray thatGod is kind to all the departed souls .