Things would be sorted our before Chinese presidents visit . biggest investments in the history of Pakistan rumored, things would get better.
Ptians should ask ik to kick out tuq before tuq disposes of him after using him.
میرے خیال میں اب قادری مارچ ختم کرنے جا رہا ہے. اسی چیز کو محسوس کرتے ہوۓ خان صاحب نے آج پہلی بار یہ کہا کہ قادری صاحب آپ میرے ساتھ یہ وعدہ کریں کہ ہم ان دونوں بھائیوں کا استعفیٰ لیے بغیر یہاں سے نہیں جائینگے. مگر قادری نے بات گول کر دی
TUQ JOINED Hands with Imran Khan towards the end of the speech against the corrupt politicians ....what does this tell you about this stance ??
Ofcourse he is with him !:biggthumpup:
Well if mr zaid hamid is saying he is the he must be. After zaid hamid is among the directors of this drama. By the way, for how much you sold your soul for ?
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