Programme on NA-120 some PMLN voters were saying we don't care if Nawaz sharif is corrupt, disqualif

Imran the legend

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Seen few programmes about na120 past 30 years Nawaz sharif has been wining. Nawaz sharif never his there hasn't done any devolpment there is no clean water blocked sewage schools are poor hospitals are poor but sharif family Gos abroad for his and his family treatment abroad people haven't got jobs but they paying high taxes no electric but some were still blindly supporting Nawaz sharif and saying we don't care Nawaz sharif corrupt disqualified it's all conspiracy and we will carry on blindly supporting pmln. Why they enjoy suffering?
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: programme on na120 some plmn voters were saying we don't care Nawaz sharif is corrupt, disqualified & hasn't done any devolpment in this area we still blindly support him. Suffering, shocking & disapointing.

ابو جہل کہتا تھا کہ میں جانتا ہوں کہ میرا بھتیجا سچا ہے لیکن میں نہیں مانوں گا
نون لیگی کہتے ہیں کہ ہم جانتے ہیں کہ نواز شریف کرپٹ اور نااہل ہے لیکن ہم نہیں مانیں گے
اس دلیل سے تو خدا اور نبی نہیں لڑ سکے، ہماری کیا مجال ہے؟


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
every party has these type of supporters. However, established parties like PMLN, PPP and MQM have them in high numbers. They just vote because they have been voting them for decades.

After 5-10 years you will find that PTI may also have these type of voters.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: programme on na120 some plmn voters were saying we don't care Nawaz sharif is corrupt, disqualified & hasn't done any devolpment in this area we still blindly support him. Suffering, shocking & disapointing.

ابو جہل کہتا تھا کہ میں جانتا ہوں کہ میرا بھتیجا سچا ہے لیکن میں نہیں مانوں گا
نون لیگی کہتے ہیں کہ ہم جانتے ہیں کہ نواز شریف کرپٹ اور نااہل ہے لیکن ہم نہیں مانیں گے
اس دلیل سے تو خدا اور نبی نہیں لڑ سکے، ہماری کیا مجال ہے؟

aapka matlab Abu leheb? Abu jehel Rasool Allah saww ka rishtaydar nahi tha.

Imran the legend

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pti don't want blind supporters that's why in kpk they doubled education budget o. Hospitals right to information and the police reforms pti believes in genuine democracy not slaves minds like plmn ppp and mqm uneducated followers


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: programme on na120 some plmn voters were saying we don't care Nawaz sharif is corrupt, disqualified & hasn't done any devolpment in this area we still blindly support him. Suffering, shocking & disapointing.

aapka matlab Abu leheb? Abu jehel Rasool Allah saww ka rishtaydar nahi tha.

ابو لہب نہیں ابو جہل
وہ غالباً حضور
pbuh کے والد کی طرف سے رشتہ دار تھا
Re: programme on na120 some plmn voters were saying we don't care Nawaz sharif is corrupt, disqualified & hasn't done any devolpment in this area we still blindly support him. Suffering, shocking & disapointing.

ابو جہل کہتا تھا کہ میں جانتا ہوں کہ میرا بھتیجا سچا ہے لیکن میں نہیں مانوں گا
نون لیگی کہتے ہیں کہ ہم جانتے ہیں کہ نواز شریف کرپٹ اور نااہل ہے لیکن ہم نہیں مانیں گے
اس دلیل سے تو خدا اور نبی نہیں لڑ سکے، ہماری کیا مجال ہے؟
پٹواری کی مثال مکھّیوں جیسی ہے، جو ہمیشہ کرپشن کی گندگی کی تلاش میں رہتے ہیں


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
PMLN and PPP are made from the same raw materials. Their core supporters are essentially the utterly illiterate, and ignorant lot, who will vote for bhutto or sharif, even if they are spat on.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
PMLN and PPP are made from the same raw materials. Their core supporters are essentially the utterly illiterate, and ignorant lot, who will vote for bhutto or sharif, even if they are spat on.

What do you mean "even if". What has and is being done is a million times worse than being spat on.


Senator (1k+ posts)
logo ki apni marzi hai jise vote kre is me bhi masla hai. voters ki raye ko accept kro, har voter apna khud responsible hai


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: programme on na120 some plmn voters were saying we don't care Nawaz sharif is corrupt, disqualified & hasn't done any devolpment in this area we still blindly support him. Suffering, shocking & disapointing.

nahi mere bhai...woh duur duur tak Rasool Allah saww ka rishtaydar nahi tha. He was of banu makhzum. Now the question is, was Rasool Allah's Grand Mother (Wife of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib) belonged to banu makhzum? I don't think so :)

Banu Hashim men did not marry any polytheist women from other polytheist clans as they were bound to be the mothers of Rasool Allah saww and Ahlulbayt s.a. It was Allah Almighty's promise to Hazrat Ibrahim a.s. to keep a line of his progeny clean from polytheism so that Rasool Allah saww and Ahlulbayt s.a. could come to this world.

There was only one clan in the arab that was muslim from the time of Hazrat Ibrahim a.s. and that was banu hashim and the ancestors of Hazrat Hashim up to Hazrat Ismail a.s.

ہو سکتا ہے آپکی بات درست ہو. لیکن کافی جگہ پڑھا ہے کہ وہ سگا چچا تو نہیں لیکن رشتے دار تھا


Senator (1k+ posts)
I think this is indication of Ghulam mentality and you can't blame these people too much either so maybe we need more efforts educating these people more than ridiculing them.

What i have learnt being overseas in one of most liveable countries in the world is:

Politicians act as servants who get elected to serve people and spend their taxes (AMAANAT) in best possible manner. They question their leaders even if they misuse few dollars and hold them accountable.

People in Pakistan "with GHULAM mentality" think these politicians (Hukmaraan) do them a huge favour by building roads or bridges so every penny spent is a bonus as opposed to every penny that is not spent is a crime.
This is where the MOST RIDICULOUS argument of "Kuch khata hai tou lagata bhi hai" comes. Bhai us k baap ka paisa nahi hai jo kuch khata hai tou lagata bhi hai?

Government ki example waisay hi hai jaisay mohallay walay paisay jama kar k aik baray ko dain aur task dain gali mohalla pakka karwanay ka, woh aadhay ka kaam karay aur aadha apni jaib main tou kya khush ho k naachnay ka muqaam hai k kuch tou laga??
