Bilawal should not enter politics - This family has lost enough persons to politics . My advice ! furthermore He does not seem to have aptitude for politics and takes up weird strategies . Old PPP stalwarts only want a figure head for their enjoyments be it a donkey . Ghinwa was wiser , she saw through the game and got rid of library guests (Major politicians of Sindh) after Mir Murtaza murder and raised children instead . Still some PPP leaders are waiting for Zulfiqar ali Bhutto junior to return . Infact Elder Bhutto in his last testimony in the supreme court stated that My Son My heir Mir Murtaza Bhutto . He did not name Khar or Benazir and this is a fact .
Never known a hard days work in his life this "moft khor" should get himself a good job. Then again living on "haram ki kamai" all his life he is totally alien to the every day sufferings of Pakistani people.
LOL I am surprised at the number of mosquito flatterers this douche bag has attached to him on twitter. These little fuck3rs have no self respect. Kind of like bitch3s of the Zardari family.
India has a similar problem with the Gandhi family. Look at the UK royals for that matter.
[MENTION=60068]le0786[/MENTION] - is ko apnay man aur bap duno par shak hai, is leay dono ka nam istimal karta hai, kisi na kisi ki tu aulad hoga ye hejra