President Erdoğan writes letter to Shehbaz Sharif, wishes best for election

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Showbaz ki shoubday baazi, how much does one want to bet that Showbaz begged him to send a letter so he can parade it to the media, that is if this letter is true at all! We all know how credible these lohars are when it comes to documents.

Gunj Sr ke liye Qatari Khat Gunj Jr ki liye Turkish Khat


Minister (2k+ posts)
Sheer desperation to actually publicize a letter from a foreign leader and make iton to the news.
Does he think the voters are stupid that they would get impressed by a letter that could easily have been faked anyway?

با شعور

Senator (1k+ posts)
Sheer desperation to actually publicize a letter from a foreign leader and make iton to the news.
Does he think the voters are stupid that they would get impressed by a letter that could easily have been faked anyway?
And keeping there track record it most probably is...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I wonder how much share Erdoğan would have had from the kick backs which showbaaz aala got through deals with different Turkish companies.

با شعور

Senator (1k+ posts)
کل ملتان میں دن دیہاڑے تین نقاب پوش افراد نے ایک موٹر سائیکل سوار کو روک کر پیپلز پارٹی کا ٹکٹ تھمایا اور فرار ھو گئے۰۰۰


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
After became a king of Turkey..Why Erdugan wants Pakistan to remain slave of Shareef Sislian Mafias?Only corrupt can gives support to other corrupt..Mr.. Erdugan..just focus on your Badashahat in your home country...


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
کیا اردگان نواز شریف بٹ اینڈ کمپنی کی کرپشن پر نیک خواہشات کا اظہار کر رہا ہے ؟


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یہ کوڈ میسج ہے کہ اگر کورٹ نے اندر کر دیا تو تیری ساری لوٹ جو تم نے ترکی میں جمع کی ہوئی ہے نہیں ملے گی اس لئے الیکشن جیتو


Senator (1k+ posts)
Don't they have anything to show, of their own performance I mean. Promoting the letter that might have been written by a Steno of Erudgan to all the leaders. They are using the popularity of Erudgan to show as if he likes them so we must also like them.