S sajawalaarib123 Banned Apr 12, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/11225339_1697060623900749_8865495778329192873_n.jpg?oh=7ddb90ffe63c27f44da1e21c2cb65195&oe=57B1BC14&__gda__=1471613104_6cc71252d7cb3b39551135a26daad89e
Will_Bite Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Apr 12, 2016 #2 Yeh baat to pooray mulk ko pata hai.. PMLN, PPP, ANP and JUI are all cut from the same cloth.
C crystal-water Senator (1k+ posts) Apr 13, 2016 #5 Fakhre Alam said: Click to expand... Thanks for your post. you mention exact doctor of Nawaz Sharif's disease
Fakhre Alam said: Click to expand... Thanks for your post. you mention exact doctor of Nawaz Sharif's disease
I IhsanIlahi Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Apr 13, 2016 #6 Iftekhar Ahmed Saab,,, ye sach hamry jesy aqal se pedal logo ko election se pehly pata tha, lekin ap hi awam KO bewaquf banaty rhy k noon league behtr hy PPP se....
Iftekhar Ahmed Saab,,, ye sach hamry jesy aqal se pedal logo ko election se pehly pata tha, lekin ap hi awam KO bewaquf banaty rhy k noon league behtr hy PPP se....