Policy Matters
Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
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pakistani hypocracy ka dosra naam hey, ,,,,,
totally yet sadly agree......its impossible if someone is Muslim and of pakis origin and not a liar / corrupt........ look around anywhere in the world pakis people ..... they always cheat somewhere somehow ...... starting from driving insurance , fake marriages.... fake emdics cerftififcates..... getting social benefits........ how many pakis muslims migrated abroad without any forged document / statement....?
and the people in the program are those who are living to satisfy their ego and romancing for an illusion of self heroism ........
I don't agree with what u have said as we (Pakistanis) are also humans. And unfortunately in humans there is a chunk around this globe who are corrupt, cheats..etc.
But I will help if u name one nation who have not done what u have mentioned above? I bet now u will not be able to name one..!! Lets see.
Nation is name of Managed and organized society,,, like you have seen in england in these days, things are undercontrol i guess,,,,,,, hahahah
we are not nation, with appologize , i have sacrified two my own generations for pakistan... and didnt find that i could get my basic right with out saying hello forceably to upper class and also if not then with out bribe.
the people who are not managed, ,history called them.... ????? bhair bakrian,,, dandey key zooor, ya seenghon ki nook per chalney waley log,
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