Police reforms: Womens complaints units still struggling with filing FIRs


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
PESHAWAR: Police officials appointed at Women Complaints Unit are struggling with their new responsibilities as they have been deployed without prior training, said people familiar with matter.

Requesting anonymity, a police officer told The Express Tribune that a majority of the staff deployed at Women Complaint Units established at Kutwali, Hayatabad and Chamkani police stations were transferred from other duties in haste. They have not been trained, lack knowledge of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) and do not know how to register an FIR since women police officers are rarely posted on desk jobs.

They are like female muharars whose job is to listen to complaints and then register FIRs. They are supposed to have knowledge and understanding of the law, the PPC and its various sections along with the ability to write an FIR in simple language, he said. But since these things are yet to be taught, female staffers have to turn to their counterparts for help in registering an FIR under the relevant section, he added.
They should be trained at the Police Training Centre in Hangu before being deployed at police stations. Most of these women, however, have not attended those courses in their careers, he said.
On the other hand, a female constable at the Hayatabad police station said at least 20 charge-sheets have been registered since the unit opened a month ago.

Women come to us with various complaints, yesterday a woman registered a complaint about her missing identity card, she said, adding with the passage of time more women will come to know about the complaint centres and visit for help.
It would be premature to judge peoples response in just one month but we are doing pretty well, she insisted.
She also said female muharars need to take help from their colleagues to write FIRs since they have not been trained about relevant sections of the PPC.
Meanwhile, an official of the Kutwali police station said their complaints unit had not registered a single FIR since it opened up.
Only five or six charge-sheets have been drawn up in the last month, he said, adding the women were educated but lack experience for a desk job in the police department.
Similarly, another female constable at Chamkani police station admitted on average they only receive one complaint per day. The women officials at the police station are able to register FIRs by themselves, she added. The most common complaint we receive is harassment; around 70% of complaints are about people harassing women.
Additional Inspector General Operations Mian Muhammad Asif admitted the department is facing problems with respect to the units and is working towards finding suitable solutions.
We introduced complaint units in 60 police stations in the province although we are short of female staff, he said. We had to appoint women who had no experience. Arranging resources for their work space was also difficult.
He added that as a first step 30 policewomen have been sent to a training course organised by a non-governmental organisation which, he hoped, would resolve the problems to some extent.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Germ busters: Month-long cleaning drive commences in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa

PESHAWAR: A month-long cleanliness drive formally initiated by Minister for Local Government and Rural Development Inayatullah Khan in Gor Gathri commenced in the district from Wednesday.
Workers of the Peshawar Municipal Corporation (PMC) were seen removing sludge from drains and canals while bus stands, markets, offices, school premises and construction sites were also being cleaned.


The government has appropriated Rs1.5 million for the citys uplift, out of which Rs1 million will be spent on the cleanliness campaign. The Peshawar Development Authority (PDA), PMC and other organisations have been instructed to play their due role and facilitate the process of keeping the city clean.
We will make Peshawar the city of roses, promised Inayatullah while addressing PMC workers. Today is the beginning of changing the city, which has been ignored for decades by rulers. PDA was also directed to ensure greenery in the city.
Inayatullah said the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) government will implement the drive in all towns of the city, adding they will try to promote healthy competition between municipal committees. Those who surpass others will be awarded, while those who show negligence will be brought to task, he added.
Funds have been set aside for an awareness media campaign on cleanliness. Billboards are being used for the purpose and many are already sporting messages displayed across the city.
The government efforts will prove meaningless if residents and traders do not support us, stressed the minister. It is not only immoral, but also against the law to spoil and litter public places. If necessary, the police will be used against citizens found guilty of littering or encroachments in public places.

The drive will be conducted in other provincial districts as well, and respective municipal authorities will be responsible for the campaign.
The minister promised to reconstruct the city wall and open Bala Hissar fort which is currently occupied by the Frontier Constabulary to the public. He also vowed to take steps to preserve the citys heritage.
If we cannot meet the challenge, we will request international heritage conservation agencies to help us preserve the centuries-old heritage of the city, said Inayatullah.
PMC President Malik Naveed Khan administered an oath taken by hundreds of workers pledging to execute their duties faithfully. Naveed also requested the government to provide them modern machinery and other facilities, especially to clean Shahi Khata, the citys largest drain. He said it would be impossible to clean the drain without the necessary equipment.
Locals appreciated the administrations move to clean the citys streets, hoping the practice continues in the future. The drive comes at the right time as the dengue virus has been spreading in the district and other parts of the province, said an inhabitant of the city, Rehmanullah.
Cleaning drains and canals will ensure water does not remain stagnant and people are provided a more hygienic environment, he added.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I think KP Police had already mentioned that they lacked female police staff and they will be building the force overtime. I am sure it was a good step and they will soon be trained to do such work.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Police reforms: Womens complaints units still struggling with filing FIRs in KP


Police say staffers were deployed in haste and do not have knowledge of the penal code. PHOTO: FILE

PESHAWAR: Police officials appointed at Women Complaints Unit are struggling with their new responsibilities as they have been deployed without prior training, said people familiar with matter.

Requesting anonymity, a police officer told The Express Tribune that a majority of the staff deployed at Women Complaint Units established at Kutwali, Hayatabad and Chamkani police stations were transferred from other duties in haste. They have not been trained, lack knowledge of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) and do not know how to register an FIR since women police officers are rarely posted on desk jobs.


They are like female muharars whose job is to listen to complaints and then register FIRs. They are supposed to have knowledge and understanding of the law, the PPC and its various sections along with the ability to write an FIR in simple language, he said. But since these things are yet to be taught, female staffers have to turn to their counterparts for help in registering an FIR under the relevant section, he added.

They should be trained at the Police Training Centre in Hangu before being deployed at police stations. Most of these women, however, have not attended those courses in their careers, he said.

On the other hand, a female constable at the Hayatabad police station said at least 20 charge-sheets have been registered since the unit opened a month ago.


Women come to us with various complaints, yesterday a woman registered a complaint about her missing identity card, she said, adding with the passage of time more women will come to know about the complaint centres and visit for help.

It would be premature to judge peoples response in just one month but we are doing pretty well, she insisted.

She also said female muharars need to take help from their colleagues to write FIRs since they have not been trained about relevant sections of the PPC.
Meanwhile, an official of the Kutwali police station said their complaints unit had not registered a single FIR since it opened up.

Only five or six charge-sheets have been drawn up in the last month, he said, adding the women were educated but lack experience for a desk job in the police department.

Similarly, another female constable at Chamkani police station admitted on average they only receive one complaint per day. The women officials at the police station are able to register FIRs by themselves, she added. The most common complaint we receive is harassment; around 70% of complaints are about people harassing women.

Additional Inspector General Operations Mian Muhammad Asif admitted the department is facing problems with respect to the units and is working towards finding suitable solutions.

We introduced complaint units in 60 police stations in the province although we are short of female staff, he said. We had to appoint women who had no experience. Arranging resources for their work space was also difficult.

He added that as a first step 30 policewomen have been sent to a training course organised by a non-governmental organisation which, he hoped, would resolve the problems to some extent.



Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Police reforms: Womens complaints units still struggling with filing FIRs in KP

You still have to contact the SHO to complete the online FIR activity in KP

