I had already mentioned about UN report that this was a useless ,waste of time and money-now the media is coming to the conclusion that it was a useless report.Asif zardari is keep on changing his statements about BB's murder, first he said he knows the names of 9 murderer but i will tell when its the right time-now saying, the afghan refugees are blamed for BB's murder.Today he said that rehman malik and baber awan will not be interogated,"why not" -he did't elaborate on this. when PM and Mr.Kaira the information minister said that any one suspected in this murder will be interogated but the "BIG BOSS ZARDARI" said "BIG NO".WHY. what zardari is trying to hide from the people who think they lost the big leader in the country and he is the big beneficiary.There is no doubt in people's mind that musharraf killed BB with the consent of US and Zardari's "BIG YES" was included.This is the widespread perception of the pakistanis.zardari bought the time ,did't investigate the killing and still keep on dragging the matter so no real killer be found.BB's mobile is wth zardari which we found out after more than two years and mr.zardari,where is BB's "DOPATTA". would you please tell about it and why you did't want BB's post mortem,zardari is hiding the big conspiracy which took BB's life.BB's death will remain mystery until judicial inquiry is ordered which i suspect ,he wont order.pakistanis from day one say that zardari have the hand behind BB's murder,will mr.zardari try to clear his name by ordering judicial inquiry?