Be remember TOBA is key to success , DAR (afraid ) from ALLAH only , ALLAH has 70 times more kind then our dear mother.
What to do NEXT . YES every body must do his part of work as his/ her position and post given by ALLAH demand for it.
1. Note all events as it happened. Make a time log book.
2. Note your policy / policies on each matter/ subject. Still waiting such things from our pakistani government.
3. Use common terms if religion is different.
4. Equal, respect, responsible, kindness, cleanness, fairness and openness must be used in it full meaning as it mention in Quran. That need to apply from self first not demands from next.
5. Make it correct as soon as you find some thing has done /happened wrong. All parties get together pay out the loss party with sorry and thanks call GOOD Management in Islam.
6. Ask only ALLAH for every thing then struggle for it.
With full respect of Mrs Fauzia Wahab please do not lies to us pakistanies.