PMLN vs PTI : Punjab tax receipts post 30pc decline


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Punjab tax receipts post 30pc decline
LAHORE: The Punjab government`s tax receipts from five provincial revenue collection departments have witnessed a 30 per cent decline during financial year 2014-15 as the government revised downwards its budgetary estimates from Rs164,680.24 million (Rs164.68 billion) to Rs114,249.69 million (Rs114.24 billion) due to multiple factors.

However, the government has again set an `ambitious` target of Rs160,591.11 million for current fiscal 2015-16, claiming it expects to increase its tax collection by 40.6pc above the revised estimates.

Official figures available with Dawn show that the budgetary esti-mates for the Punjab Revenue Authority had been revised from Rs95,000 million to Rs49,369.40 million in 2014-15 after the authority failed to collect sales tax on 17 services.

Similarly, the performance of the Excise and Taxation department in terms of collection of tax from professions, traders and callings remained discouraging as against the budgetary estimates of Rs783.36m, the government revised it to Rs720m.

The department also could not collect receipts under motor vehicle tax during the previous fiscal which pushed the government to revise the budgetary estimates from Rs11,255.34m to Rs9,733.5m.

The tax on farm houses and luxury houses also remained a question mark on the performance of E&T officials who failed to achieve the target of Rs15m and Rs500m, respectively and the government eventually revised downwards both estimates up to Rs0.29m and Rs14m correspondingly.

The E&T also faced difficul-ties in collecting Rs713.6m budgetary estimates for 2014-15 which were revised to Rs548m.

Similarly, the Board of Revenue though managed to achieve Rs39,789.78m budgetary estimates for 2014-15 in five categories, it failed to meet targets in categories of agriculture income tax (revised down from Rs2,018.94m to Rs1,000m), registration (from Rs1,612.27m to Rs778m) and capital value tax (from Rs5,432.63m to Rs 4,649m).

Interestingly, the BoR collected more tax in land revenue and stamps categories and surpassed budgetary estimates 2014-15 from Rs11,788.68m to Rs12,289.52m and Rs18,937.26m to Rs21,073.26m, respectively.

Similarly, the E&T department collected more tax under urban immoveable property tax and provincial excise categories as their budgetary receipts increased from Rs7,750m to Rs7,950m and Rs1,782.61m to Rs1,783m, respectively during 2014-15.

On the otherhand,the transportdepartment achieved Rs550m target under the motor vehicles fitness certificate and permit fee and energy department achieved Rs6,540m figure under electricity duty.

Sources in the Punjab government told Dawn that the departments could not achieve desired targets apparently because of slow implementation of tax reforms, revenue leakages and corruption in of ficial ranks.

They said the government again had set an ambitious tax collection target for current fiscal which was even a bit less than 2014-15.

Sources said the tax collection was expected to increase from Rs114,249.69m revised budget estimates of 2014-15 as the government was considering expanding scope of different taxes, improving collection efficiency along with initiatives of e-stamping, automation of property tax record through GIS mapping of properties, plugging of revenue leakages through introduction of technology and implementing other administrative measures.
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Hunain Khalid

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
میاں صاپ کی تجربہ کار ٹیم معاشی دھماکہ کرتے ہوئے خود ہی پھٹ گئی_ پھسسسسس ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
خبردار یہاں کوئی پٹواری نہیں آئے گا_


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Repost of Old news

KP gets Rs1.5 bn bonus for best financial management

ایسی تھریڈ پر پٹوایوں کو ٹیک کیا کرو۔
خاص طور پر برگر ون کو ، وہ بہت شور مچاتا ھے۔
اچھل اچھل کر نفساتی کو نمبر ون وزیرِاعلی بناتا رھتا ھے۔

Faisal Mian

Minister (2k+ posts)
Burger one is a paid comment player on lakin wo akela he hy shayed jo begair kisi logic aur aqal ky Noon Leak ko support karta hy...

Aksar aukaat ikhlaq sy giri huwi batien bhe karta hy...

Uss main itni aqal he nai kah wo iss thread ko samajh saky... aur kuch comment kar saky, patvari ko kia pata Tax kia hota hy...

Parchi Vazeer e Aazam kay Parchi Patvari...

Hoor Chooppoooooooooooooo


Senator (1k+ posts)

Ek to youthiay kuch parhte likhte nahi hain bus time zaya karte hain :)

KP Tax Collection from PILDAT's report, 2014:

During the 2013-2014, the KP Revenue Authority (KPRA) has collected Rs. 4.3 billion General Sales Tax (GST),
against the Provincial Government GST on services target of Rs. 6 billion for the current financial year. The number of
taxpayers increased from 112 to 4,799 in 2013-2014. Tax receipts comprising both direct (11.8%) and indirect taxes
, increased compared to previous years. The target set to collect Rs. 6 billion, however, could not be achieved and
fell short by Rs. 1.7 billion or 28%
. KPRAwas established under the KPFinance Act, 2013 with an aim to regulate sales
tax on services; administer and collect such other taxes, duties and levies as are assigned to it under a fiscal law;
implement tax administration reforms amongst others. The rates of various Taxes i.e. Motor Vehicles, Tax on Profession
Trade and Calling, Tobacco, sugarcane Development Cess, Court Fee etc. have been revised. The fee under electricity
Rules, Timber Duty rates, Water Charges, Contractor Registration and Tender Form fee have been revised. Web enabled
motor vehicle registration systems and new registration policy for motor vehicle has been introduced. The direct
receipts, which include taxes on Agricultural Income, Property, Land Revenue etc., increased from Rs. 1,808.56 million
in 2012-2013 to Rs. 2,005.910 million in 2013-2014 registering 10.91% increase in direct tax collection. The revised
estimate of direct taxes during 2013-2014 is Rs. 2,005.910 million as compared with the Budget Estimates 2013-2014 of
Rs. 1,696.083 million estimating an increase of 18.3% during the financial year. Similarly, indirect tax collection has
also illustrated an upward trend. Estimated Tax receipts from GST on services of KP reflect a 3.33% increase from a
Budget Estimate of Rs. 6,000 million for 2013-2014 compared to Revised Estimates of Rs. 8,000 million for 2013-2014.
On the whole, indirect taxes reflect an estimated 61.2% increase from Budget Estimate of Rs. 8591.505 million against
revised estimates of Rs. 10,631.900 million. Total Provincial Revenue Tax Collection estimates have increased by
22.8% when we compare Budget Estimates of Rs. 10,287.588 million against revised estimates of Rs. 12,637.810
million for the year 2013-2014.

Punjab Tax Collection from PILDAT's report, 2014:

In 20132014, the Government of the Punjab collected taxes of Rs. 111.7 billion against a budget target of Rs. 126.7
billion. In 20122013, it collected Rs. 78.4 billion
against a fixed target of Rs. 2 billion
. Although the Government
missed their tax collection target by a significant margin of 12 %, there is an increase of Rs. 33 billion or 42% in tax
collection in 2013-2014 as compared to 2012-2013
. The collection of agricultural income tax in 20132014 was Rs. 830
million compared to Rs. 827.3 million in 2012-2013 indicating a marginal improvement. The collection of sales tax on
services, amounted to Rs. 52 billion in 20132014 whereas it was Rs. 34 billion in 20122013; thus registering an
increase of about 53%. The Punjab Sales Tax on Services (Enforcement) Rules, 2014 were passed in September 2014.



Minister (2k+ posts)
Punjab tax receipts post 30pc decline : Tajrubkaar Team

LAHORE: The Punjab governments tax receipts from five provincial revenue collection departments have witnessed a 30 per cent decline during financial year 2014-15 as the government revised downwards its budgetary estimates from Rs164,680.24 million (Rs164.68 billion) to Rs114,249.69 million (Rs114.24 billion) due to multiple factors.
However, the government has again set an ambitious target of Rs160,591.11 million for current fiscal 2015-16, claiming it expects to increase its tax collection by 40.6pc above the revised estimates.
Official figures available with Dawn show that the budgetary estimates for the Punjab Revenue Authority had been revised from Rs95,000 million to Rs49,369.40 million in 2014-15 after the authority failed to collect sales tax on 17 services.
Similarly, the performance of the Excise and Taxation department in terms of collection of tax from professions, traders and callings remained discouraging as against the budgetary estimates of Rs783.36m, the government revised it to Rs720m.

[h=4]PRA, E&T, BoR fail to achieve certain targets, transport and energy depts succeed[/h]
The department also could not collect receipts under motor vehicle tax during the previous fiscal which pushed the government to revise the budgetary estimates from Rs11,255.34m to Rs9,733.5m.
The tax on farm houses and luxury houses also remained a question mark on the performance of E&T officials who failed to achieve the target of Rs15m and Rs500m, respectively and the government eventually revised downwards both estimates up to Rs0.29m and Rs14m correspondingly.
The E&T also faced difficulties in collecting Rs713.6m budgetary estimates for 2014-15 which were revised to Rs548m.
Similarly, the Board of Revenue though managed to achieve Rs39,789.78m budgetary estimates for 2014-15 in five categories, it failed to meet targets in categories of agriculture income tax (revised down from Rs2,018.94m to Rs1,000m), registration (from Rs1,612.27m to Rs778m) and capital value tax (from Rs5,432.63m to Rs 4,649m).
Interestingly, the BoR collected more tax in land revenue and stamps categories and surpassed budgetary estimates 2014-15 from Rs11,788.68m to Rs12,289.52m and Rs18,937.26m to Rs21,073.26m, respectively.
Similarly, the E&T department collected more tax under urban immoveable property tax and provincial excise categories as their budgetary receipts increased from Rs7,750m to Rs7,950m and Rs1,782.61m to Rs1,783m, respectively during 2014-15.
On the other hand, the transport department achieved Rs550m target under the motor vehicles fitness certificate and permit fee and energy department achieved Rs6,540m figure under electricity duty.
Sources in the Punjab government told Dawn that the departments could not achieve desired targets apparently because of slow implementation of tax reforms, revenue leakages and corruption in official ranks.
They said the government again had set an ambitious tax collection target for current fiscal which was even a bit less than 2014-15.
Sources said the tax collection was expected to increase from Rs114,249.69m revised budget estimates of 2014-15 as the government was considering expanding scope of different taxes, improving collection efficiency along with initiatives of e-stamping, automation of property tax record through GIS mapping of properties, plugging of revenue leakages through introduction of technology and implementing other administrative measures.
Published in Dawn, July 13th, 2015

Ahud khan

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Punjab tax receipts post 30pc decline : Tajrubkaar Team

یہ سب دھرنوں کی وجہ سے ہوا ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Punjab tax receipts post 30pc decline : Tajrubkaar Team

نواز اتارو ملک سنوارو


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Eik tu Yandoo hamshisha aik saal peechey rehtey hain. Kiya tum ne Dawn ki report parhi hai?

Ek to youthiay kuch parhte likhte nahi hain bus time zaya karte hain :)

KP Tax Collection from PILDAT's report, 2014:

During the 2013-2014, the KP Revenue Authority (KPRA) has collected Rs. 4.3 billion General Sales Tax (GST),
against the Provincial Government GST on services target of Rs. 6 billion for the current financial year. The number of
taxpayers increased from 112 to 4,799 in 2013-2014. Tax receipts comprising both direct (11.8%) and indirect taxes
, increased compared to previous years. The target set to collect Rs. 6 billion, however, could not be achieved and
fell short by Rs. 1.7 billion or 28%
. KPRAwas established under the KPFinance Act, 2013 with an aim to regulate sales
tax on services; administer and collect such other taxes, duties and levies as are assigned to it under a fiscal law;
implement tax administration reforms amongst others. The rates of various Taxes i.e. Motor Vehicles, Tax on Profession
Trade and Calling, Tobacco, sugarcane Development Cess, Court Fee etc. have been revised. The fee under electricity
Rules, Timber Duty rates, Water Charges, Contractor Registration and Tender Form fee have been revised. Web enabled
motor vehicle registration systems and new registration policy for motor vehicle has been introduced. The direct
receipts, which include taxes on Agricultural Income, Property, Land Revenue etc., increased from Rs. 1,808.56 million
in 2012-2013 to Rs. 2,005.910 million in 2013-2014 registering 10.91% increase in direct tax collection. The revised
estimate of direct taxes during 2013-2014 is Rs. 2,005.910 million as compared with the Budget Estimates 2013-2014 of
Rs. 1,696.083 million estimating an increase of 18.3% during the financial year. Similarly, indirect tax collection has
also illustrated an upward trend. Estimated Tax receipts from GST on services of KP reflect a 3.33% increase from a
Budget Estimate of Rs. 6,000 million for 2013-2014 compared to Revised Estimates of Rs. 8,000 million for 2013-2014.
On the whole, indirect taxes reflect an estimated 61.2% increase from Budget Estimate of Rs. 8591.505 million against
revised estimates of Rs. 10,631.900 million. Total Provincial Revenue Tax Collection estimates have increased by
22.8% when we compare Budget Estimates of Rs. 10,287.588 million against revised estimates of Rs. 12,637.810
million for the year 2013-2014.

Punjab Tax Collection from PILDAT's report, 2014:

In 2013–2014, the Government of the Punjab collected taxes of Rs. 111.7 billion against a budget target of Rs. 126.7
billion. In 2012–2013, it collected Rs. 78.4 billion
against a fixed target of Rs. 2 billion
. Although the Government
missed their tax collection target by a significant margin of 12 %, there is an increase of Rs. 33 billion or 42% in tax
collection in 2013-2014 as compared to 2012-2013
. The collection of agricultural income tax in 2013–2014 was Rs. 830
million compared to Rs. 827.3 million in 2012-2013 indicating a marginal improvement. The collection of sales tax on
services, amounted to Rs. 52 billion in 2013–2014 whereas it was Rs. 34 billion in 2012–2013; thus registering an
increase of about 53%. The Punjab Sales Tax on Services (Enforcement) Rules, 2014 were passed in September 2014.

