Why only ecp rules apply to pti?
plmn for 4 years disappears in na120 just few weeks before elections jobs are given, roads start, money is give. To buy votes then they win they disappear again. People than suffer again start crying nothing happening.
What shall we do with this corrupt plmn election commission how can we fix it because pti competition is with police ecp noon league patwari doc all the govt machinery and geo tv.
pti is the only party that wants election reforms not her party wants any reforms in any thing.
plmn for 4 years disappears in na120 just few weeks before elections jobs are given, roads start, money is give. To buy votes then they win they disappear again. People than suffer again start crying nothing happening.
What shall we do with this corrupt plmn election commission how can we fix it because pti competition is with police ecp noon league patwari doc all the govt machinery and geo tv.
pti is the only party that wants election reforms not her party wants any reforms in any thing.