R Rameez Chaudhry Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Apr 5, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://scontent-kul1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12924492_1694633200810158_1274445464418353229_n.jpg?oh=e2c040c464e6ca2993ea6ceb87924fdb&oe=5771DAB8
S saneopinion MPA (400+ posts) Apr 6, 2016 #2 Media vibrant ho chuka hua hai aur yahan crisis jata he nai hai.... [hilar] It will take one new development and everyone will forget about this issue.
Media vibrant ho chuka hua hai aur yahan crisis jata he nai hai.... [hilar] It will take one new development and everyone will forget about this issue.