PML N Female Worker comes in front of Hamza Shabhaz's car due to injustice

Nayaa Pakistan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
INSHALLAH after naya pakistan all problems of poor peoples will be solved and all these mafias will be sended to jail



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
She is not the only one .Millions of people in Pakistan have been denied justice.All institutions are corrupted and politicised.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Fikar na karein CM sb ney notice ley Lia hei Aur Insaaf key liey Ek 3 Rukni committee bana dee hei. Woh I committe Jo Rana Masud scandal mein bani thi. :biggthumpup:


Senator (1k+ posts)
Is qabzay ka akhri sira ua tu Noon league ya Q league pe khatam hu ga.......Qabza group bagair hakoomati madad ke much nahenn ker saktay...........HERAT YE HAI KE HUM ABB BHI APPNAY AAP KU LEAGUI KARKUN KEHTAY HENN..........GHULAM HENN GHULAM HENN ......HAMESHA KE GHULAM HENN...
