Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
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Mushahidullah is right on. PM neither appeared in court nor he made a statement. His attorney made an argument about the case, he did not make a particular statement. You should go summon the attorney and question him about what he said, not the PM.
i have just one question for you: are you patwaris born without brains or do PMLN suck out your brain after you join them?
If you have any brains, make an argument against what I said, don't make monkey faces.
there is no point in arguing with an idiot, but i'll try it anyway. PM's lawyer was probably told by the PM to say what to say and if that wasn't the case, then in the next hearing PM should have gone to court and said that his lawyer is incapable and lied about the facts
Mushahidullah is right on. PM neither appeared in court nor he made a statement. His attorney made an argument about the case, he did not make a particular statement. You should go summon the attorney and question him about what he said, not the PM.
Why do u make fun of urself by saying such things? Whatever a lawyer says in court of law on behalf of his client is taken as an answer by the client himself. Plz read some books before making such silly posts
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