if you go to local PIA flights, then you will only see these types of molanas with fancy phones and going everywhere to collect sadqas and fitras. Their destination will be reached via PIA inshallah
Don't jump into agreement with hypocrites so fast... I think PML-N has alot of friends who are competitors of PIA and they would benefit from grounding PIA services.. From what I have heard(from actual passengers) is that PIA fleet is the best in Pakistan when it comes to travelling, only the management of flights needs a reshuffle and policy change is needed.. A plane with only one engine working should never have been allowed to fly Or its maintenace fee(such as the Engine replacement fund) should have been released on time or should not have been eaten up by the corrupt Mafia(if already released the funds), so no incident would have happened..
For the past 1 year or so we have seen Fazal ur rahman giving statements which suits Nawaz sharif, in return for his favors(for making Fazal ur rahman chairman of Kashmir Committee whose job is to take its salaries only)...