People losing kidnies after Coronavirus


Minister (2k+ posts)


MPA (400+ posts)

Patients with the coronavirus are seeing its damage in the heart, brain and kidneys, leading researchers to suspect an immune response is leading to potentially deadly blood clotting.
yeah keep hyping "Fear"...carry on.....Someone rightly pointed...."Fear is the currency of dictatorship"....


Minister (2k+ posts)

Patients with the coronavirus are seeing its damage in the heart, brain and kidneys, leading researchers to suspect an immune response is leading to potentially deadly blood clotting.
Is the COVID-19 a lung disease causing blood problems, or a blood disease, causing lung problems? One of the three main symptoms of COVID-19 combined with fever and dry cough is shortness of breath. It is believed that shortness of breath is caused by Pneumonia. Mostly Pneumonia is in the news and most patients get treatment for lung problems. Most coronavirus patients who are put on ventilators, don’t survive for long. Many of the patients who continue to live can't be taken off the mechanical breathing machines. If the immune system of a coronavirus patient does not combat the virus by itself, ventilators may not be enough to help with the recovery. Coronavirus may not be a lung disease but rather a red blood cell disease. A new study has found that it is not the lungs that are tiring out but rather the inability of red blood cells of carrying oxygen throughout the body that is causing organ failure. The virus attack will cause less and less hemoglobin that can carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. As the virus binds to hemoglobin found in red blood cells, it releases oxidative iron ion from the cells. The lack of iron ion prevents hemoglobin from binding to oxygen, disallowing red blood cells from operating normally. The lung cells have extremely intense poisoning and inflammatory due to the inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen frequently, which eventually results in damaging lungs. The new findings suggest that ventilators can provide oxygen to patients, but it does not prevent organ failures occurring from the lack of iron ion in red blood cells. This coronavirus is damaging kidneys and causing Anemia, Anemia is a condition characterized by inadequate red blood cells (erythrocytes) or hemoglobin. When the body lacks enough amounts of iron, the production of the protein hemoglobin is reduced. Hemoglobin binds to oxygen, enabling red blood cells to supply oxygenated blood throughout the body.


MPA (400+ posts)
You are not allowed to curse or threat anyone on the forum, don't do it again or you might get banned for good.
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MPA (400+ posts)
Barking Abbottabadi street dog seldom bites. You can only swear as shown in this thread, where u started abusing for no reason. Go and have a medical done , bemar insaan !
Listen.....Today is first of Ramazan...n i really care of it ..Alhamdolillah....Neither i want to raise my cortisol levels in this blessful month...I have a question for you now....and i am being serious and reasonable...coz you said i started abusing for no reason......Did you carry out any research on this so called pandemic?
1. Did you listen to the medical authorities and the likes?
2. Do you know what is happening in west and especially in USA?
3. What are the implications of this lockdown on a common man??
4. How many common people have so far lost their jobs?
5. What are the adverse effects of 5G technology on environment?
6. Why a considerable portion of public burnt down 5G towers in UK a few months ago?
7. Why on earth while more than half of the world is under lockdown, but Elon Musk is installing 5G towers?
8. What was the first city where 5G technology experimented and what was the outcome?
9. What the city in Europe where the same was practised?
10. Why are general physicians in USA are being forced to write the cause of death as COVID-19 even if the patient had a history of other chronic diseases?
11. Why are adult patients above 60 are being forced not to take any resusciation in case of emergency?
And so many such queries...For your final reference....Did you hear Doctor Bruce Lipton on Corona?...I am sure once you go through all what i mentioned you would scratch your head and hair....this is why i was so pissed when you posted this fearful post to scare innocent be reasonable and dont argue anymore...i am sure you are a Muslim respect this holy month and confirm the news before you propagate...


Minister (2k+ posts)
I can give you many many references of the experts and sane voices...on youtube, on facebook and the likes.....
I don't care. Why did u swear unprovoked? Gali kiyoun dee thee? and now you are editing your posts with galies to misguide people /moderators that you did not start ? Hazara bacha kabhee na sacha ! Liar and dishonest.


MPA (400+ posts)
I don't care. Why did u swear unprovoked? Gali kiyoun dee thee? and now you are editing your posts with galies to misguide people /moderators that you did not start ? Hazara bacha kabhee na sacha ! Liar and dishonest.
Final words....I am not AFRAID OF YOU AT ALL...I am just being reasonable and honest enough..Nothing edited....All new replies.......I am only caring of Ramazan protocols...coz i have to answer Allah...not you.......
