read the above link.pakistani sunni ittehad led by hamid reza and allied brailvi tanzeems have demanded to govt that we will not allow army and govt of Pakistan to engage in dialogue with Taliban .they say that we want use of force (killing each and every Taliban in Pakistan ).
this is the same sunni ittehad whose aanjahaani leader fazal krim admitted taking dollars from united states embassy to work against mujahideen .he admitted it when united states embassy exposed him later.
remember that this organisation most probably is still being funded by Zionist dollars.
the proof of which is that a ppp senator faisal reza abidi who belongs to an extremist shia group also attended this meeting.this is the guy whose photos with rifles came on net where he was head of some militant what was an extremist different sect ppp guy doing in sunni ittehad meeting?ofcourse all these deviants are agents of America and one under american flag.
my appeal to these cowards and deviants is that why you people order your army to fight against Taliban? mujahideen like Osama and mullah omar (who these deviants label "terrorists") sacrificed their own families in jihad .if you sunni ittehad and shia ittehad people etc are muslims than why not you go to tribal area and fight against Taliban along with your own families?or is it true that name of fighting or jihad makes you incontinent in your pants ?may be that's why you want army soldiers to sacrifice their life for your deviant faith and ideology?no matter if this breaks Pakistan eventually?
my appeal to govt is to give weapons to these deviants (including the sunni tehreek shia tehreek and all the anti mujahideen journalists of Pakistan) and send them to waziristan to fight their own battle,..don't break Pakistan for sake of grave worshipping and idol worshipping and money worshipping deviants!
read the above link.pakistani sunni ittehad led by hamid reza and allied brailvi tanzeems have demanded to govt that we will not allow army and govt of Pakistan to engage in dialogue with Taliban .they say that we want use of force (killing each and every Taliban in Pakistan ).
this is the same sunni ittehad whose aanjahaani leader fazal krim admitted taking dollars from united states embassy to work against mujahideen .he admitted it when united states embassy exposed him later.
remember that this organisation most probably is still being funded by Zionist dollars.
the proof of which is that a ppp senator faisal reza abidi who belongs to an extremist shia group also attended this meeting.this is the guy whose photos with rifles came on net where he was head of some militant what was an extremist different sect ppp guy doing in sunni ittehad meeting?ofcourse all these deviants are agents of America and one under american flag.
my appeal to these cowards and deviants is that why you people order your army to fight against Taliban? mujahideen like Osama and mullah omar (who these deviants label "terrorists") sacrificed their own families in jihad .if you sunni ittehad and shia ittehad people etc are muslims than why not you go to tribal area and fight against Taliban along with your own families?or is it true that name of fighting or jihad makes you incontinent in your pants ?may be that's why you want army soldiers to sacrifice their life for your deviant faith and ideology?no matter if this breaks Pakistan eventually?
my appeal to govt is to give weapons to these deviants (including the sunni tehreek shia tehreek and all the anti mujahideen journalists of Pakistan) and send them to waziristan to fight their own battle,..don't break Pakistan for sake of grave worshipping and idol worshipping and money worshipping deviants!
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