Pasha Party Lafafa media cells ARY and SAMA are working hard to do propaganda from late night. Eben awoke Pappu Niazi for his comments late night. None of them has studied the reality or report. This evening other lafafa anchors on different channels (Shazaib Khanzada, Kamran Khan, Kamran Shahid, Fawad Ch, Mehr Bokhari, Rauf Khusra ....) will play music.
These leaks are regarding off shore companies. Off shore companies are legal and used to save tax again withing legal frame work of countries they permit. In many countries one can not do business without having off shore companies, few examples UAE, UK, Canada......... Possession of a off shore company is not a crime. Even if recall Khawaja Asif press conference 2 years back, Pappu Niazi lost huge Jews/Indian funding for SKMH in a UK based off shore company. These off shore companies mainly deal with country of business and not country belongs to.
Reality is nothing more than this that with out any substantial understanding, started singing song "MOKA MOKA" to humiliate Sharif Family. Leaks in it self says it is research, not necessary that owner of OFF SHORE COMPANY is doing malpractice or corruption. Originator has litter honour to what he leaks and do not alleged any one, but Pasha Party Lafafa Media has tried, convicted and hanged entire Sharif Family.
Pappu Niazi made a illogical press conference to make score as his Lafafa Media want to use his thoughts for propaganda. His body gesture amply confirms that he is illiterate on issue. If still Pappu Niazi has worth, must go to NAB himself or use Zac Goldsmith (brother of his ex wife Jemima Grant) for case in London. Why he himself do not want to go, he knows he has no evidence and will meet humiliating defeat as met in Judicial Commission on Election Rigging. If Pappu Niazi would have grown up is daughter and both sons in himself, he would have been knowing respect of family relations, he and his lafafa media would have not shown Nawaz Sharif daughter pic with ugly remarks of ARY or SAMA.
Pappu Niazi is living lavish life. How Sharif Family earned wealth from 1939 onward, everybody knows. Can Pappu Niazi or any of his slave Pappu Burger answer simple question, WHAT IS SOURCE OF INCOME OF PAPPU NIAZI?????
This Pajama Leaks or what so ever reminds one proverb, " Pasha Party lafafa media ny khuda pahaar, nikla choha, wo be mara hua".
'Moka Moka' song by now is changed to 'Choha Choha'
These leaks are regarding off shore companies. Off shore companies are legal and used to save tax again withing legal frame work of countries they permit. In many countries one can not do business without having off shore companies, few examples UAE, UK, Canada......... Possession of a off shore company is not a crime. Even if recall Khawaja Asif press conference 2 years back, Pappu Niazi lost huge Jews/Indian funding for SKMH in a UK based off shore company. These off shore companies mainly deal with country of business and not country belongs to.
Reality is nothing more than this that with out any substantial understanding, started singing song "MOKA MOKA" to humiliate Sharif Family. Leaks in it self says it is research, not necessary that owner of OFF SHORE COMPANY is doing malpractice or corruption. Originator has litter honour to what he leaks and do not alleged any one, but Pasha Party Lafafa Media has tried, convicted and hanged entire Sharif Family.
Pappu Niazi made a illogical press conference to make score as his Lafafa Media want to use his thoughts for propaganda. His body gesture amply confirms that he is illiterate on issue. If still Pappu Niazi has worth, must go to NAB himself or use Zac Goldsmith (brother of his ex wife Jemima Grant) for case in London. Why he himself do not want to go, he knows he has no evidence and will meet humiliating defeat as met in Judicial Commission on Election Rigging. If Pappu Niazi would have grown up is daughter and both sons in himself, he would have been knowing respect of family relations, he and his lafafa media would have not shown Nawaz Sharif daughter pic with ugly remarks of ARY or SAMA.
Pappu Niazi is living lavish life. How Sharif Family earned wealth from 1939 onward, everybody knows. Can Pappu Niazi or any of his slave Pappu Burger answer simple question, WHAT IS SOURCE OF INCOME OF PAPPU NIAZI?????
This Pajama Leaks or what so ever reminds one proverb, " Pasha Party lafafa media ny khuda pahaar, nikla choha, wo be mara hua".
'Moka Moka' song by now is changed to 'Choha Choha'

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