Paksitani Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)




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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

JEW TV waloon ko mout par gai hou gi yeh Bahi chaara daikh kar


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

This is so heartening and a good step, I don't have words to express my feelings. If we have this kind of unity on the basis of nationalism and humanity then we cannot be bowed down. May Allah bless us all and help us root the extreme elements out of our ranks.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

You should keep your eyes closed, let the cat do her job.
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

Good work!! But media should stop stereotyping community! It would be more pragmatic to say: majority community !


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

there is nothing like chris Muslim riots, so no one should even think about it


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

why is no one saying that

Pukhtoons are Great people and a Great Nation

Humanity prevails in the end....

Good work!! But media should stop stereotyping community! It would be more pragmatic to say: majority community !

there is nothing like chris Muslim riots, so no one should even think about it

You should keep your eyes closed, let the cat do her job.

This is so heartening and a good step, I don't have words to express my feelings. If we have this kind of unity on the basis of nationalism and humanity then we cannot be bowed down. May Allah bless us all and help us root the extreme elements out of our ranks.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

why is no one saying that

Pukhtoons are Great people and a Great Nation

Bhai...please come out of this Pukhtoon, Punjabi...etc...let's call each other Pakistani and make ourselves a nation. We are already suffering from Sectarian & Ethnic division and it has cost us enough. With Respect.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

People should help people in time of need. We divide by giving them labels in such times. Pukhtoons are as great or not as Punjabis, Baloch or Sindhis.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

[SIZE=4 said:
Imranpak;1892592]People should help people in time of need[/SIZE]. We divide by giving them labels in such times. Pukhtoons are as great or not as Punjabis, Baloch or Sindhis.

this is the first time i see a sane comment from you , i highly appreciate it , continue it .thank you.(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)


MPA (400+ posts)
The difference is, that minorities are always safe in Pushtun areas, we have always protected them from any outsider, just remember what happened in Lahore as the picture above says it all.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Muslims help their Christian brothers in the hour of grief

why is no one saying that

Pukhtoons are Great people and a Great Nation

Nom pashtun will never understand this, remember when we were small we were always told by our parents that it is our duty to protect the was part of our upbringing, these people will not appreciate the efforts made by the local pashtun people. but will make fun when a Pushtun says JATEE HAY INSTEAD OF JATA HAY.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: How Muslims built Church for Christian brothers in Pakistan

عیسائی اپنی عبادت گاہ خود بناے ، مسلمانوں کو اس کا احترام کرنا چاہیے ،بلکے کسی بھی مذھب کی عبادت گاہ ہو اسکا احترام ہم پر لازم ہے ،مگر مسلمان کے لیے کسی مسلم کی عبادت گاہ بنانا تھوڑا ٹھیک محسوس نہیں ہوا ، کیوں کے دیکھیے نا کے ہر مسلمان یہ جانتا ہے کے الله کو سب سے زیادہ نہ پسند چیز شرک ہے اور جو غیر مسلم شرک پر مر گیا اس کی نجات نہیں ، اور آپ ایک ایسی جگہ کا اہتمام کر رہے ہیں جہاں آج کی عیسایت ،الله پر الزام لگانے والوں کے مترادف ہے ،،،،،یہ عیسائی کہتے ہیں کے الله کی اولاد ہے ،،،،، ایسی جگہ کی تعمیر میں حصہ ڈالنا ذرا سوچنے کی بات ہے
