pakistanis??? americans ???

Muhammad Ikhlaq Siddiqui

Minister (2k+ posts)


Senator (1k+ posts)
Baigharatt awam Bhaigarraaatt criminal agent ruler=Brown slaves=Pakistanis.Lanatth

sarbakaf - Blogger
Baigharatt awam Bhaigarraaatt criminal agent ruler=Brown slaves=Pakistanis.Lanatth

Aawam is not baighairat they are stupid
Rulers are not criminal they are traitors
lanatth ? .................well abdali that includes you and your family too , even if you are not in pakistan , or you have other nationality but your origin is still pakistani i not right ?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Baigharatt awam Bhaigarraaatt criminal agent ruler=Brown slaves=Pakistanis.Lanatth

This is funny another Pakistani calling himself lanathi and bayghairat.....freaking idiot....i have never heard Indians call themselves bayghairat....but this moron has to call himself that...

sarbakaf - Blogger
This is funny another Pakistani calling himself lanathi and bayghairat.....freaking idiot....i have never heard Indians call themselves bayghairat....but this moron has to call himself that...

well indians do not call each other baighairat why coz.........all the world calls them that


MPA (400+ posts)
I do not know why we get so freaked out when we are mis behaved in a foreign country. The fact is do we our selves extend any respect to such figures of our country. Pehlay apnian greeban main jhanko bahioon. Pakistani customs do not respects any Pakistani untill he is rich/famous or powerfull. We do not want to correct our selves and want to point fingures at others. At least what ever they do they do with extreme respect but we do not feel and get the same respect from the security and customs of our own country. There is a whole mafia that is working in Pakistan customs.

Respect is earned not snatched. Unless we respect our people our selves no body else is going to respect us. Non arabs are treated as fourth class citizens of the world (or rather as a cattle) in middle eastern countries. Why some body never wrote a letter to their consulates? Teachers are mistreated in universities and colleges by uneduated police and rangers in Pakistan. Why no body ever raised a voice against this attrocity? West bashing for everything will not take us any further. This is not an isssue. The issue is "US", we ourselves are an issue. We do not want to admit.
