Pakistani parliament as an instrument of mass destruction of our alliance with USA and Saudis . Sc


Minister (2k+ posts)
The parliament of Pakistan is acting as weapon of mass destruction of carefully nurtured over decades of good diplomacy and friendship with certain important nations.

When our closest Allies UAE and Saudis asked for placing some troops on Yemen border for maintaining peace and avoid war , our parliament took up issue unnecessarily and passed a resolution to degrade the ties and UAE FM protested. Our and Turkish non intervention encouraged Iran to choose war there

Now parliament is trying to annoy a very egostistic and rapidly acting TRUMP , whereas we all know that maximum USA can do is drone attacks on pakistani soil which can be followed by reciprocal action as USA alleges via networks aligned with pakistan. Trump might pick some other fight in the meantime, besides Indian army is not going to allow Modi to attract USA by creating border war with China and Modi cannot accede to TRUMP request for Hindu troops in afghanistan as they will be canon fodder for Taliban in already a religious war of cultures and races as well .

Parliament is trying to show pakistan as some country like Iran , i.e angry with every one or like North korea . It is very clear that PTI and PPP and very very especially shia lobby in the form of media , and perhaps in some strategic departments are encouraging an atmosphere of complete rupture between USA and Pakistan. This needs stopping by an Iron Hand otherwise Pakistan will suffer.

Iran had oil so it survived sanctions , we do not have that , so time has come to carefully watch the Iran and India lobby in media , politics , civil and other services amongst us , otherwise unwise allies of theirs will marginate Pakistan and we might suffer serious sanctions . EU will follows USA .

PM is holding security meetings and some blame has been put on our former foreign secretary but ground reality is that neither Army head , nor umpires can escape responsibility of this stage and neither can Sharif and all this PM security meeting to wash off impression that After dharna army took control of foreign policy and failed .

One good thing is that our PM is USA educated and understands that country.

The main result of rupture with USA is going to economic meltdown if regime of sanctions start . Best is play it cool , do not overreact , watch USA , talk with USA as TRUMP administration is doubtful after march 2018 , domestic opposition is warming up .

A serious scrutiny of umpires and think tanks is now required , what interest they have in isolation of Pakistan ? and destroying very hard achieved stability achieved by Raheel Sharif and Nawaz sharif .
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
@shaikh Sahib. If its not secret, please share what do you want from parliament?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Do not encourage him.. We cannot allow Great Satan from Washington to tell us how, where what, conduct our affairs period.

Current Saudi regime is an extension of Jews of Washington.

Pakistan is a independent NATION. Normal diplomatic relations fine..

Any more drones in Pakistan, will have a deadly response to all the local facilities of a rogue terrorist anti Muslim empire.

Yaa Shaikh ul fitna wald Hindustan.


Minister (2k+ posts)
@shaikh Sahib. If its not secret, please share what do you want from parliament?

Parliament is mostly composed of a class which is not the top technocrat , or top scholars or top diplomats or top of anything, its deliberations are therefore substandard , its decisions and resolutions damaging at times and its whole purpose is just to avoid any real power with brains to take over things.

Shura is Islam is not parliament of the west , Shura of Islam is a nominated body of best minds to advise . We call parliament legislature despite knowing that law making is an art and profession and these elected guys are street agitators not law makers . King has no clothes .

It has been a rubber stamp of secret agencies , dictators and such .

In islam nominated but socially acceptable Shura advises , Qazi delivers justice along with Caliph or ruler or conquerer . The division of separate legislature , judiciary and executive is a textbook unpractical semiwestern ideal .


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Parliament is mostly composed of a class which is not the top technocrat , or top scholars or top diplomats or top of anything, its deliberations are therefore substandard , its decisions and resolutions damaging at times and its whole purpose is just to avoid any real power with brains to take over things.

Shura is Islam is not parliament of the west , Shura of Islam is a nominated body of best minds to advise . We call parliament legislature despite knowing that law making is an art and profession and these elected guys are street agitators not law makers . King has no clothes .

It has been a rubber stamp of secret agencies , dictators and such .

In islam nominated but socially acceptable Shura advises , Qazi delivers justice along with Caliph or ruler or conquerer . The division of separate legislature , judiciary and executive is a textbook unpractical semiwestern ideal .

This means you want Islamic system of governance. This means Nawaz was rightly trying to become Caliph.
