Pakistani Lawyers Fight! (Clip)

Paah Gangu

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Pakistan main sub sey ziada fraud, aur khana kharab karney wala tabka,

eik number key jhootey, aur jhoot mar kar khaney waley log hain yeah,

yeah sub sirf yeah wakeel hain,,,,,, mardar khatey hain, lekan woh bhi dithai key saath, jhoot bol bol kar


President (40k+ posts)
This is another Mafia emerged after Lawyers Movement.

I didn't see in any other part of the world that a Lawyer had slaped judges, or its oponent or client in court room. Or strike against a session judges and locked his office. The judges are so scared of this Mafia that they can't take action against these Badmash lawyers. These are not lawyers, actually they are gangsters in Black Coat, pant and Tie.

How can we get justice in the presence these corrupt and stupid lawyers and judges?
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Joe Jamail has an old fashioned Texas Style Deposition ... old lawyer fight funny deposition texas ...

If Pakistani lawyers want to fight, they should do in a civilized way, Texas style that is........ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha

incipient verbal diarrhea


Zeeshan Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Judiciary is an important pillar of any state and such events are not only a disgrace for this prestigious institute but are a indicator of how high the level of intolerance is.
