Pakistani boxer Amir Khan talks to media on Lahore Airport


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Pakistani boxer Amir Khan talking with media on Lahore Airport

I do believe that human beings possessed 360 sense.
Because they did not use most of them for a long time that is why they forgot to use .
One of those 360 of my sense is saying me " Some thing is fishy with this Amir Khan "
Something related intelligence agency like MI6 , CIA or MOSSAD.

I wish/hope my sense is wrong ;)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Pakistani boxer Amir Khan talking with media on Lahore Airport

He is well wisher of Pakistan, tries hard to serve mother land

slave of Allah

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Pakistani boxer Amir Khan talking with media on Lahore Airport

I do believe that human beings possessed 360 sense.
Because they did not use most of them for a long time that is why they forgot to use .
One of those 360 of my sense is saying me " Some thing is fishy with this Amir Khan "
Something related intelligence agency like MI6 , CIA or MOSSAD.

I wish/hope my sense is wrong ;)

lol and i m pretty sure your sense is wrong..:P
Re: Pakistani boxer Amir Khan talking with media on Lahore Airport

Spot on - Only this is from the same party which presented Reham, TUQ, Imran and let Raymond Davis go

Its the Pasha Group in ISI which is supporting him, and mind you that PASHA group is CIA agent as well, our ISI is infected with CiA agents like Pasha

I do believe that human beings possessed 360 sense.
Because they did not use most of them for a long time that is why they forgot to use .
One of those 360 of my sense is saying me " Some thing is fishy with this Amir Khan "
Something related intelligence agency like MI6 , CIA or MOSSAD.

I wish/hope my sense is wrong ;)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Pakistani boxer Amir Khan talking with media on Lahore Airport

You have such few heros and role models in the country that you go and steal a British athelete and portray him as your own to satisfy your almost extinct self esteem.....freaking idiots


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Pakistani boxer Amir Khan talking with media on Lahore Airport

I do believe that human beings possessed 360 sense.
Because they did not use most of them for a long time that is why they forgot to use .
One of those 360 of my sense is saying me " Some thing is fishy with this Amir Khan "
Something related intelligence agency like MI6 , CIA or MOSSAD.

I wish/hope my sense is wrong ;)

Wow. That is some seriously deranged hogwash.
